



After reading the novella “Brokeback Mountain” by Annie Proulx and seeing the film by the same name by Ang Lee, both have inspired me to write these words.

The book and especially the film are so powerful that it brought forth feelings I have not dealt with properly over the last 30 years. In the character Jack Twist I saw myself 30 years ago when I fell in love with an Ennis Delmar type. It was 1974/1975 about 12 years after the time set in the movie and book but, the attitudes had not changed much at all from 1963.

It was my sophomore year in College when Gary and I fell in love with each other. We too, did not know what this powerfully emotional connection we had was or how to deal with it in a proper manner. It was so taboo we had to keep it a deep dark secret that was nobody else’ s business but our own. But, Gary and I are discovered, just as in the movie when Mr. Aguirre finds out about Jack and Ennis passing the time up on Brokeback Mountain.

We were in the same fraternity and we thought we were very careful about our secret love for one another. I guess, looking back, there was no way we could hide the way we looked at each other or the way we would light up when one or the other of us would walk into a room. Even though we did not embrace or kiss in public, we made sure we portrayed ourselves as one of the guys, one of the fraternity brothers not as two men who were in love with each other. I was 20 years old and Gary was 21 years old.

It is 1976, I was elected President of the fraternity and Gary was elected to a position that dealt with the teachings and rituals as set out by the Bylaws which were based on Christian teachings. Gary took this job very seriously and was a good teacher not only to the new members but he taught the old members the proper way to do the rituals.

One day, The Executive Board of the Fraternity called us in separately toward the end of the Spring 1976 semester and threatened to expose us. The Executive Board said they would expose us to the fraternity members, the College, our families and have us expelled if we did not stop immediately. In their words, they said “our debauchery will not be tolerated under any circumstance”. They also mandated that we resign our posts as Officers of the Fraternity immediately. They did allow us to announce our resignation to the members and we could make up whatever resignation speech we wanted. I made up some speech about wanting to focus on my studies since it was soon to be my Senior year and how I needed to devote all my time towards graduating .

We were scared beyond comprehension, we pushed each other away and blamed each other. We were angry, mad and were forced apart. Our anger was displaced at each other, our world had just been shattered . I look back now and think what an awful thing for two young men ages 22 and 21 to have to endure.

Gary left the end of that Spring 1976 semester and did not return. I continued on and I ended up making the best grades my Senior year because all I did was study to keep my mind off of the trauma I was going through. I did not hear from him nor did I attempt to contact him, I was so scared, so broken hearted and extremely depressed. I could not talk to anyone about this, not family, not friends not a soul.   

In the movie when Ennis Delmar asks Jack Twist if he ever felt that people knew about them by the stares people gave, if he felt people were talking about them. I felt the same way throughout my entire Senior year of College. Everywhere I looked it seemed people were giving off glares. I kept thinking if the 12 members of the Executive Board know then there must be many more because something like that does now stay within the walls of the Executive Board Room. It finds it’s way into living rooms of homes and other Board Rooms. A secret is only a secret if you are the only one who knows the secret.

It took all the courage I had to get up every morning and walk through campus to classes, to sit through a lecture in a classroom full of people. I learned how to fake it through my outgoing nature and through my willpower. I constantly felt like I was in that dream that everybody has that they are walking down the hall of their High School and they are in their underwear and all the other kids are pointing and laughing at them. Except I was in College and I felt like that way everyday I went to classes. I was that kid in the dream in the hallway with only his underwear on and everybody was staring and laughing. I learned how to fake it that nothing was wrong, I learned how to show a positive exterior and not to let anyone not even myself see the true me.

I was a nervous wreck 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I worried constantly that my family would find out especially since my Brother was going to the same College. His Freshman year was my Senior year and he pledged and was accepted into the same Fraternity as me. I was worried sick that he would over hear a “private conversation” in the hallways of the Fraternity house or hushed voices coming from the Board Room about how he is the Brother of the Queer.

The guilt, shame and embarrassment consumed me. I felt like I had a scarlet letter around my neck but instead of an A for adulterer there was a Q for Queer or an F for Faggot.

Because of the ignorance of the times and the ignorance of the executive board, I became so deeply closeted, so deeply in denial that I became numb. I began to look at this ordeal, this catastrophe as a sign from God that I was to graduate from College, find a girlfriend, get a job, get married and have children.

That is exactly what I did. I made myself find a girlfriend, get a job, get married and have children. I used to secretly tell myself that I have to fake it before I make it. I did such a good job at faking it to the world that I started believing my own fake life. I started believing my own bullshit.

No matter how much faking it I did I still thought about Gary all the time but, I dare not contact him for fear of what might happen next. The fear was still with me, inside me eating me up.

After 14 years of marriage, a successful career and two children later I contacted Gary. That day was so special, so sweet and so needed. We picked right back up where we left off but with complications. He was married and I was married but not to each other. I was 37 at he was 38.

We continued to see each other as schedules and excuses for having to be gone from home would allow. I wanted to be with him all the time, I wanted a life together all the time but, he was like Ennis Delmar and in denial not ready to commit to or make a loving caring life happen.

I finally got divorced came out of the closet to the world, to my wife, to my family, to my children and most importantly to myself. It is 1995, I am 40 years old , it has been 20 years since Gary and I first fell in love. So much has changed, so much has improved as far as Gay relationships. But, Gary and I cannot seem to start a life in 1995 which we should have had in 1975.

I move on from one failed gay relationship to another. Gary continues to be in denial and continues marry and remarry women. We stay in contact and see each other year after year and each year I think that this is the year he will wake up, this is the year he will be true to himself and maybe this is the year we will get married and have the life we should have .

I am 47 Gary is 48, he is single now, the booze and the drugs are taking their toil on him physically and mentally. I stopped seeing him and stopped contacting him but, I never stopped thinking about him.

I am now 50 and Gary is 51, I made contact with some of his family members. He is way deep into the booze and drugs. I asked if they would get a message to him, they said they would but, as of yet I have not heard from him. They said he lives alone and drinks heavily.

To this very day I think about what could have been if times would have been different 30 years ago. It is now 2005, what wonderful changes have taken place, what different times we can now enjoy. We have a long way yet to go but, we have come quite a distance in 30 years.

The movie “Brokeback Mountain” is an example of how far we have come and where we have come from.

The ending in the book and the ending in the movie is quite different. In the movie, even though Ennis Delmar did not have much to say when his daughter told him of her upcoming marriage, he said plenty by toasting a glass of whisky with her and to her engagement to be married.

Recently I did the same thing Ennis Delmar did but, with words. My Daughter’s boyfriend asked me if he could marry my Daughter. I told them that Love usually comes around once in life and you should do whatever you need to when you need to do it for that love to grow. I also told them about, Gary, the love of my life and how I have never been in love since

My future son in law was quiet for a few moments then said that he did not mean to be disrespectful or morbid but, he sure was glad what happened between me and Gary happened the way it did because otherwise he would not be marrying the love of his life.

是Annie Proulx的中篇小说《Brokeback Mountain》和李安导演的同名电影,让我留下了这些文字。

这部书——尤其是同名电影是如此震撼,牵扯出近三十年来我无法处理的感情。在剧中的Jack Twist身上,我找到了自己30年前、在与一个类似于Ennis Delmar的男人相爱时的影子。那大约是在1974年和1975年之间。虽然是在书中(剧中)安排的“1963年”的12年后,然而公众(对同性恋)的态度,却没有太大的改变。







电影中,Ennis Delmar曾向Jack Twist:他是否感觉到别人已经通过注视而察觉到他们,是否感觉到公众在对他们议论纷纷。(事实上,)我整个大三就是这么过来的。似乎我能看到的每个角落里,都有别人的注视。我一直担心:既然执行委员会的12个委员已经知道此事,那么这件事便不会乖乖地停留在他们的办公室里,它会在各家客厅和别的委员会办公室里被来回传着。所谓秘密,只能是那些唯有你才知道的事。








我们在各自离家理由充分并不扰乱家庭计划的情况下,继续保持着联系。我真希望与他相守下去,永不分离;但他却如Ennis Delmar般认为一切言之过早,从而否定了我的心愿,阻止了一段可能的充满爱与关怀的新生活。






电影《Brokeback Mountain》展示了我和Gary是怎样开始,从什么地方开始,而又无奈地止步于何处。

书的结尾和电影的颇为不同。电影中,尽管Ennis Delmar在得知女儿即将到来的婚期后没有太多要说的,但事实上,为她和她的订婚、结婚敬上一杯whisky,已经表达了太多。

最近,我做了和Ennis Delmar一样的事,不过,是用语言。我女儿的男友问我是否愿意将女儿嫁给他,我对他们说,爱于人的一生往往只有一次,你们应该做好让爱生长所需要的一切。我还告诉他们关于Gary——我一生的爱的事,还有我们怎样止步于那一次……




事实上国内很多对本片没感觉没共鸣的都是还没怎么经历世事的小孩,或者就是没看明白本片真正着眼的一个很严重的一个社会问题。[只是处于一些可以理解的必要考虑,李安导演啊主演啊编剧啊什么的公开场合很少提到这一点]那就是男同志人群进入传统的异性恋婚姻结婚生子,妻子成为了事实上的牺牲品而不自觉这一社会现象。不要说在中国,就是在相对要开放得多的美国,现在也有数以百万计的Gay Guy处在结婚生子同时偷偷在外边找男人的这样一个状态。这不仅对这些数以百万计的妻子和他们的小孩,就是对这些男人本身,是一个非常大的悲剧。相关的还有侧面展现恐同者杀害/迫害同性恋等等,这些都是非常严酷的社会问题。类似的问题,之前的涉同题材的影片也有少部分有所涉及。但这是第一次有一部影片在艺术价值,社会影响力,还有在这些个问题的表现力度等等几个方面都达到比较高的水平。这个才是断一片能够在影史上,在同志文化史上留下重重一笔的原因。两位男主角的感情线当然分量很重,但是如果两位被蒙在鼓里的妻子的线索表现的不如现在强和出色,那本片的地位是达不到现在的高度的。所以请大家务必要注意到这些方面,不要被国内的一些评论和自己脑中的某些想当然的想法给误导了。看了我的这些话,希望部分园友能够对本片有一个新的认识。~~


还有一点就是断的成功,使得更多的同志题材的优秀小说有望被改编为电影。有一些诸如The Front Runner这样被公认为是目前最好的同志题材小说之一的作品,被搬上荧幕的可能性也大大增加了。[关于这点大家可以看看thefrontrunner作者在官网的一篇文]这也是断起到的积极作用之一。


所以李安导演和很多人都说BBM不仅仅就是gay cowboy movie而已,说得当然是很对的。断一片承载的东西实在太多了






原帖由 空空之空 于 2006-11-20 20:53 发表

em20 只能说尽力吧~~





作为演员一个最基本的素质就是能够扮演跟自己本人实际情况差距很大的角色。OZ里边所有主要角色里只有一个人是在真实生活中蹲过监狱的,而且大部分演员同时还要在另外一部剧里演警察;X files里女主角对医学一窍不通,还是把法医身份演得活灵活现,这些都是专业素养的体现。



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