[G支线] 皮科/Picco(少年监狱) (2010) [1.27GB][avi][德语无字幕][迅雷快传]

导演:Philip Koch
编剧:Philip Koch
片长:Germany:105 min
对白语言: 德语  
简介:Picco is the nickname for a newcomer at a youth prison. In this dark prison drama it's Kevin, who is forced to get to know and above all to experience the hard and clear-cut rules circumscribing the life of a young inmate. He shares a cell with three other young men. Their mutual friendship is fragile and vanishes at the first signs of approaching danger. Bullying and aggression are the order of the day. In a place cut off from the outside world, only one rule applies: you can either be a victim or a perpetrator. Kevin has to decide which he will be. This extremely raw drama offers a detailed portrait of how a correctional facility operates. The film follows the prisoners during daily activities, at school, with the prison psychologist, and during visits. But first and foremost is the ever-present mental and physical violence. The tension gradually increases, climaxing in insane and prolonged aggression that, according to some critics, outstrips Michael Haneke's Funny Games. The movie is based on actual events


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