[Randy] 2012年4月22日Randy出席电影<Sound of My Voice>纽约首映礼【增加无水印图】

本帖最后由 cora 于 2012-4-24 15:38 编辑

New York special screening of <Sound Of My Voice>, held at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, April 22, 2012




Sound of My Voice (2012 film) is an American psychological thriller directed by Zal Batmanglij.


Maggie (Brit Marling) claims to be from the year 2054 -- sent back in time in order to protect "the chosen ones" from the awful events that are about to occur. As such, she's already recruited a number of disenchanted folks to join her "cult," where they're put through a rigorous system of cleansing and purifying themselves both physically and spiritually on a daily basis. The group's members also assist Maggie, who for some reason needs daily blood transfusions and can only eat food that's organically grown indoors by the group.

Peter (Christopher Denham) and Lorna (Nicole Vicius) are a couple intent on exposing Maggie for the fraud that she is, and somehow they're able to infiltrate the group as potential new members with some high-tech, undetectable recording devices. But as the duo spend more and more time with Maggie and her believers, their relationship soon becomes strained -- Maggie begins to penetrate Peter emotionally, exposing a secret past that explains what brought him there in the first place.


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