[Gale] 【2012最新访问】Celebrity Scoop: Gale Harold最爱书目及电影,唱片新增下载啦!

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Celebrity Scoop: Gale Harold
By John Crook, Zap2It | January 5, 2012
原文地址: http://www.zap2it.com/news/zap-gale-harold-story,0,863551.story

The first time we met Charles Meade, the character played by Gale Harold in The CW's Thursday hit "The Secret Circle," he was watching impassively as a young mother was killed in a house fire he set by magic.

我们第一次在荧幕上见到Charles Meade时,他正冷漠地看着一位年轻的母亲在火灾中丧生,而这场火灾正是由他用巫术策划的。

Since then, though, the character has had his hands full with his willful daughter, Diana (Shelley Hennig), and his occasional partner in malice, Dawn (Natasha Henstridge). Fans may soon see Charles making some more decisive moves.

从那时开始,这个角色身边的人都在为巫术的事忙碌: 他满腔热情的女儿Diana(Shelley Hennig), 还有他不怀好意的搭档Dawn (Natasha Henstridge)。粉丝们很快可以见到Charles作出更决定性的行动。

"I can say that there are other people who are trying to get in my way, trying to grab my lunch off my tray, and that's going to cause trouble," Harold says. "I hope that what we see is people learning who's really running the show here, and that's Charles."


"Circle" co-creator Kevin Williamson says he cast Harold to bring a sense of menace to the show after admiring the actor's work in the Showtime drama "Queer as Folk," where he played gay ad executive Brian Kinney.

<秘社>编剧Kevin Williamson说过,他把Harold召入剧组是因为他很欣赏他在Showtime有线电视<Queer As Folk>里面的饰演的Brian Kinney,他希望Harold能为本剧带入一种胁迫感。

"Brian was the most energized, while simultaneously being threatened, character that I have ever played," Harold says. "Brian knew what he wanted, and he was very good at getting it, but at the same time a lot of people wanted to get him out of the way, including some of his good friends and his father. There's a parallel there in that Charles is taking what he wants, but what he doesn't have that Brian had was an almost unflappable self-confidence, at least on the surface."


After that cable series ended, Harold played Susan's house painter boyfriend on "Desperate Housewives."

剧集完结后,Harold在<Desperate Housewives>中扮演Susan的油漆工男友。

"Marc (Cherry, creator of 'Housewives') had tried to bring me on before that and it just didn't work out because of the scheduling," Harold says. "I really dig the way Marc writes, and to be asked to work on a show that has that kind of profile was very flattering."

"Marc Cherry ('Housewives'编剧)在那之前就想让我进剧组,但由于日程安排冲突最终还是没谈下来,"Harold说,"我很喜欢Marc讲故事的方式,能够受邀出演这样一档黄金电视剧让我感到很荣幸。"

Favorite book: "At the moment the book that I am wrapped up in is 'A Violent Life' by Pier Paolo Pasolini. I highly recommend picking it up, because it's off to the races from the very first page. One of the things that had a huge effect on me was an early short story by Dylan Thomas called 'The Dress.' Anyone who is into frightening and passionately charged storytelling should check that one out, too."

最喜欢的书: "我最近正在看的一本书是Pier Paolo Pasolini的<A Violent Life>。我强烈推荐这一本,它从第一页开始就引人入胜。对我很有影响的还有一个是Dylan Thomas早期的一个短篇小说<The Dress>。如果有谁喜欢看惊悚、紧张,扣人心弦的故事情节的话也推荐去看看这个。"

Favorite movie: "Certainly 'Bonnie and Clyde' is up there. You had these two incredibly compelling characters who ran across each other and the dynamic that they brought out of each other and the fact that they were naively willing to go to such extremes. That movie goes so deep and it does it so seductively. So much of what they do is horrible, and yet you're falling in love with them."

最喜欢的电影:"<Bonnie and Clyde>一定排在前几位。这两个鲜明的角色在偶然的机会相遇,他们对对方的那种万有引力还有他们随时准备豁出去的天性。这部片子很有深度,而且拍得很有吸引力。他们做的很多事情都是荒唐的,但你还是忍不住爱上他们。"

Favorite recording: "I want to recommend one that a friend of mine just released. The band is called Electric Flower, which is the title of the record, too. My friend Josh Garza is the drummer, and I've been listening to that pretty much nonstop. The guitarist is Imaad Wasif. It's a 10-inch EP with three songs on it, and I think it's going to lead to something bigger."

最喜欢的唱片: "我想推荐我的一个朋友刚刚出的专辑。他们的乐队叫作Electric Flower, 专辑的名字也是这个。我的朋友Josh Garza是鼓手,我最近一直在不停地听他们的歌。吉他手的名字叫Imaad Wasif。这是张10寸EP,共有3首歌,我觉得他们可是大有可为呢。"



<A Violent Life / 暴力人生> by Pier Paolo Pasolini

Pier Paolo Pasolini (皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼, PPP): 意大利作家、诗人、后新现实主义时代导演。

当然,帕索里尼给人们留下的远远不止<索多玛120天>。帕索里尼创作的诗集、小说、剧本以及电影,都在全球范围内受到很高的赞誉(或质疑,想想他的作品多么剑走偏锋)。包括Gale提到的<A Violent Life>,这部小说也使帕索里尼在当代最伟大作家中占有一席之地。

Mtime时光网上对Pasolini的一句评论是: 这位著名的异端人物一生桀傲不驯,以残酷、暴烈、惊怖的作品,以及传奇般的生活故事,来颠覆社会主流思想。

关于帕索里尼的一生,他的作品,他的公开同性恋身份,以及他悬而未决的死亡之谜,这些题材实在太大,大家可以自行google哈。这里仅就<A Violent Life>再介绍一点。

<A Violent Life / 暴力人生>揭示了罗马这座历史悠久的城市在其繁华而文明的外表下,所隐藏的黑暗和危险的悲剧一面。小说描绘罗马贫民窟的生活,在陋屋出生的Tommaso Puzzilli本来是对未来充满希望的青年,但很快他意识到他必须向残酷的现实低头,为了维持生计而不得不走上犯罪和卖淫的道路。

<The Dress>  by Dylan Thomas

<Dylan Thomas - Collected Stories>
<The Dress>是Dylan Thomas的一个超短篇小说。它被收集于Dylan Thomas的小说合集里。<The Dress>描绘的是一个疯狂的男人逃亡路上的故事。Google books上有免费浏览(整篇小说只有3页纸):
http://books.google.com.hk/books ... ge&q&f=true


<Bonnie and Clyde / 雌雄大盗> (1967)

剧情简介: (根据Mtime时光网整理)

该电影根据美国历史上著名雌雄大盗Bonnie Parker和Clyde Barrow的真实经历拍摄。



Clyde与哥哥难兄难弟,感情甚笃,Bonnie和Blanche则势成水火。因此四人之间呈现微妙关系: Clyde要维系和Buck之间的"哥儿们"感情,另一方面又要安抚Bonnie。Bonnie则经常在追求自由理想和因为爱人所作的牺牲之间挣扎。最后这种紧张关系在Buck被击毙与Blanche被逮捕后结束。两人获得独处的机会,也达到了完满的性高潮。


1967年的<Bonnie and Clyde>深受法国新浪潮影响,主题备受争议。它将Bonnie和Clyde塑造成经济萧条时期反政府的icon。该电影获1968年奥斯卡最佳男主角、女主角、男配角,最佳服装设计、最佳导演、最佳影片和最佳剧本八项提名,并获奥斯卡最佳女配角奖和最佳摄影奖。


关于Bonnie和Clyde的真实故事可见: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnie_and_Clyde


Electric Flower
Electric Flower是由Josh Garza和Imaad Wasif两人组建的乐队:

Imaad Wasif(左): 身兼主音及吉他手 Josh Garza(右): 鼓手
乐队简介: http://narnackrecords.com/artist/electric-flower


三首歌分别是4:16, Faces, Circles
Gale说的这张EP已经找到下载啦: {:3_245:}

乐队主页: Facebook  Twitter
Gale的朋友Josh Garza: http://www.moderndrummer.com/sit ... th-electric-flower/


除了以上提及的书目、电影和唱片之外,Gale在以前的访谈中也提到过自己喜欢的作者和作品,例如Ayn Rand的The Fountainhead,还有发条橙,Jesse James等;电影方面则有<The Sweet Hereafter>等等;这些资料比较零散,欢迎大家加入搜集资料和研究,一起讨论下文艺青年Gale Harold喜欢看的是什么作品{:3_272:}


  • sandy_6836

回复 3# 第七天99
你说的Electric Flower是歌名还是乐队名?
Gale说的Electric Flower由两个人组成,一个是鼓手一个是吉他手,Wasif身兼主音...
在itune上搜到的三首歌,歌名分别是4:16、 Faces 和Circles: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album ... t.-josh/id473148607


Electric Flower EP有下载啦!!~~下载方式见一楼
刚刚还发现"Imaad Wasif played with Yeah Yeah Yeahs for the Show Your Bones world tour playing acoustic guitar, bass and Wurlitzer." WOW!!!本来就挺喜欢Yeah Yeah Yeahs的歌{:3_245:}


回复 9# 第七天99
貌似Electric Flower两个成员以前都是玩硬摇滚的,Gale有这样的朋友,说明他骨子里还是很rock n roll吖{:3_254:}


回复 12# zhuanyong20101


回复 38# 丹青家的小布熊


回复 42# 丹青家的小布熊


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