啊~~ toni和猫猫真的是很有默契哦~~


Three Times A Lady

Death is always a mystery for all who are alive, and mystery is always a charming lure for those who want to explore the maximum of life. Thus they taste the forbidden mystery and finally acquired the truth, but by then they are no longer alive. That is the dilemma of life.  
In this art masterpiece fulfilled by the myth of death and the lure of the unknown blue, three of the world's most outstanding actresses sketched out the lives of three unbound poem-loving ladies in three different time periods. The only thing they share and the core of the movie is the legendary work of "Mrs. Dalloway" written by the famous and talented poet Virginia Woof by Nicole Kidman, who won an Oscar for best leading actress for this production.  
There is one scene that I always recall, the poet was staring straight into the eyes of a dying sparrow. The back ground music was deep and mysterious with a blinding rush of will to give up life. I was carried away by that atmosphere and shocked by the power of motion pictures.    
Out of the three lady, who can be seemed as one living in her different lives, two survived the crush of the dying compel. But unfortunately the spell was too strong for Virginia herself to break, she walked helplessly, step by step, into the mysterious dark river which took her life with the dimple of death.  
Three times a lady, living their lives in endless wondering of death and the rush of life in The Hours.



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