[中评] 《费城故事/Philadelphia 》: 爱与救赎

费城故事,不仅应该算是我看的第一部有关同性恋题材的电影,同时也是第一部让我感到震撼的电影。同为Tom Hanks演的电影,阿甘正传多了一份对人生梦想的探讨与对现实的戏谑,反而少了一份深沉的对人性的关怀。

This is the essence of discrimination: formulating opinions about others not based on their individual merits, but rather on their membership in a group with assumed characteristics.


力透纸背的一段话。永远不会忘记。时至今日,在《费城故事》上映17年之后,在Tom Hanks流着泪捧起奥斯卡小金人时泪流满面的感激宽容与爱的精神17年之后。歧视与偏见依然存在。爱与宽容依旧是有待时日来散播的人性之本。可是费城故事留给我们的那来自心底最深处的震撼,越永远不会随着时间的消逝而退散,反而愈久弥香,在我经历了人生的成长之后,越觉得弥足珍贵。

在这样一个感动泛滥,但是直指心灵最深处的震撼如此稀缺的年代。再一次重温《费城故事》,不禁泪流满面。永远无法忘怀Tom Hanks手握吊瓶支架,被疾病折磨的苍白的脸庞,陶醉在歌剧那绚烂的韵律之中时泛起的红晕。

Andrew Beckett: Do you like opera?

Joe Miller: I'm not that familiar with opera.

Andrew Beckett: This is my favorite aria. This is Maria Callas. This is "Andrea Chenier", Umberto Giordano. This is Madeleine. She's saying how during the French Revolution, a mob set fire to her house, and her mother died... saving her. "Look, the place that cradled me is burning." Can you hear the heartache in her voice? Can you feel it, Joe? In come the strings, and it changes everything. The music fills with a hope, and that'll change again. Listen... listen..."I bring sorrow to those who love me." Oh, that single cello! "It was during this sorrow that love came to me." A voice filled with harmony. It says, "Live still, I am life. Heaven is in your eyes. Is everything around you just the blood and mud? I am divine. I am oblivion. I am the god... that comes down from the heavens, and makes of the Earth a heaven. I am love!... I am love."



Andrew在得知自己最终有尊严的赢了。大家依次走到他的床前到晚安。直到见到自己心爱的人,Andrew拔下氧气面罩,充满爱意的眼神再次坚定:I am ready.

I am ready. Andrew留给这个世界的最后一句话。 I am ready, for the glory of humanities.




往事如烟 发表于 2011-2-5 20:48

    我写的两篇你都看过啦~好感动~ 这篇确实没有怎么深挖。只是今天突然看到了Tom Hanks在奥斯卡颁奖礼上的获奖感言,觉得很有感触。至于影片的分析,还真没有太多。嗯嗯。这可能也是我写影评的毛病,老是点到为止。很少深挖下去。


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