感触很深,没想到美国骨子里还是恐同的,更想不到的是照成这种现象的既然是身为同志本身的政客,让人好心寒。不过这也让人看清了人性中很邪恶的东西,通过毁灭他人来完成自我。不过总觉得比我们中国好,至少人家上了台面,有争取权利的机会,而不是向我们一样永远被排斥在边缘。影片最后说的真好,如果人人都 Out of the closet,we will win the game,without fight,without blood,cos the ones who love us will accept us,that every gay's friends' group and family group will be around every corner in the world.Once they know what exactly we are ,the fear of gay will no longer exist,we every gay will have a whole brand new future.



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