Two Of Us (1988)

This little movie is an absolute british gay classic. Remember "Beatiful Thing"? Well this one is older but it gets up there with its honesty and simplicity.
此片虽小,但绝对堪称英国同人经典。记得《越爱越美丽》吧? 《二人世界》早拍12年,所表现的真诚,纯粹依然毫不逊色。

Matthew is a boy who just left school. 小马同志是个辍学少年。He is handsome and athletic and believes himself to be gay. 他人帅气,一副运动员身材,坚信自己是玻璃。He retains a friendship with only one school friend, Phil, who has stuck by Matthew despite hostile reactions from his peers. 离校后,只和同学菲儿有来往。尽管菲儿的哥们很看不惯,小马依然很迷菲儿。As their relationship grows more intense, Phil's girlfriend Sharon and his classmates become vindictive and aggressive. 两人日渐亲密,菲儿的女友和同学们变得很不友好。The movie is mostly about the choise Phil must make. 影片主要描写菲儿的选择。The highlight line comes when Phil introduces them to each other with the words: "Sharon, meet Matthew - my boyfriend. Matthew, meet Sharon - my girlfriend!" 菲儿介绍两人的台词是本片最无敌的:“ 莎莎,这是我男朋友小马;小马,这是我女朋友莎莎。”The two boys find themselves ostracized by both friends and family and decide to run away. 两人为朋友和家人所不容,因此决定远走高飞。They go to the seaside where yet another love triangle takes place. 在海边,又一场三角关系上演了。Soon Sharon finds them and in the original broadcast Phil choses the straight way and goes home with her. 莎莎很快找到他俩,在BBC的原版校园剧中,菲儿选了莎莎。This DVDRip version however closes with a gay happyend and the boys stay together。而电影版则是男男相伴,同志团圆。


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