
本帖最后由 julie_hsu 于 2009-5-25 13:18 编辑

“QAF" 在SHOWTIME和加拿大的SHOWCASE播出时收视率都非常高。事实上,因为收视率台太火爆,加拿大的SHOWCASE在播完最后第五季后,不得不专门拨出1个小时零10分钟来把赞助的广告一次播出,因为该剧播出的过程中无法插播广告。对SHOWTIME则没有这个问题,(因为他是付费电视),在整个QAF播出的时段都是没有广告出现的。
”The show drew strong ratings for both Showtime and Canada's Showcase. In fact, in Canada, the series had such high ratings that by the end of the fifth season Showcase had to air the show in an hour and ten minute time block to accommodate all the ads without cutting any scenes. This was not a problem for Showtime, since that service is commercial-free and no ads were ever broadcast during a QAF telecast.“

”The series ran for five seasons (2000 to 2005 on Showtime and 2001 to 2005 on Showcase). It was believed by fans that the show could have run for another year (most of the cast originally had six year contracts but according to one rumor the contracts were re-negotiated to five years after the first season)“

然而,一方面SHOWTIME对在加拿大拍摄日渐增加的支出和加币的升值深感忧虑,另一方面,一些SHOWTIME的班底不愿意整个台因为此剧被定性成"GAY专业台",决定停止再拍下去. 至少Ron Cowen 和 Daniel Lipman (好像是主要的编导)在公开的场合表示他们(对于QAF)没有什么更多的故事要说下去了。另外还有报道称Randy Harrison (Justin)声称如果要拍第6季,他肯定不会参演。

“However, Showtime was concerned about the rising production costs due to the strength of the Canadian Dollar. Some of the cast, however, felt that Showtime didn't want to be known as a "gay only" network so they cancelled the show. Publicly, at least, Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman both stated that they didn't feel there were really any further stories that they could tell. Randy Harrison (Justin) was reported as saying that had the series gone into a sixth season, he would not have been part of it.”


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