嗯。。。。说到诗,410 B 重整雄风之后,去babylon找J,
B说 Is that a thing of beauty?J接着说: And a joy forever.

这两句是济慈(John Keats)的诗:

A thing of beauty is a joy forever

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darken'd ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits...

        -- John Keats

BJ就是a thing of beauty and a joy forever啊~em23

[ 本帖最后由 candyperfume 于 2006-2-2 13:53 编辑 ]


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