[短篇] 巴黎我爱你之玛黑区/Paris, je t'aime-Le Marais[88M/MKV][简繁英][115]

著名给导加斯范桑特拍的小给片 收录在【巴黎我爱你】中 很不错的电影
本片的亮点在于Gaspard Ulliel那时还没长残 而且与之对戏的懵懂小受也十分可人{:3_158:}

Original Title: Le Marais
Director: Gus Van Sant
Country: France
Year: 2006
Genre: Romance
Runtime: 6 min
Language: English, French
Cast: Gaspard Ulliel, Elias McConnell, Christian Bramsen, Marianne Faithfull

A young male customer (Gaspard Ulliel) finds himself attracted to a young print shop worker (Elias McConnell) and tries to explain that he believes the man to be his soulmate, not realizing that he speaks little French. It’s not until Gaspar leaves that Eli realizes something special has happened…



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