The dialogue between Mom and Brian was so touching. I just had it dictated.

[Mom]: Suppose one of kids turns out to be gay?
[Brian]: Mom, that's not the point.
[Mom]: That's exactly the point. When your son tells you he's gay, what are you gonna say to him? Are you gonna to tell him to be proud of himself, to go and find a place for himself in this world? Or are you going to tell him to go hide in a gated community, and marry a woman he doesn't love, and pretend he's something he is not?!
[Brian]: Damn it, Mom, why can't you just let me do this?
[Mom]: Because I LOVE YOU just the way you are! You stubborn jackass! If you think this world won't give you the things you want -- love, kids, a family, then I am going to have to change the world because I will not have it change you!
[Brian]: Mom, I really loved him...
[Mom]: I know...
[Brian]: Oh god, why does this have to be so hard?
[Mom]: Becasue love always is... Every kind of love, it wouldn't be so special if it were easy, and running away from it isn't the answer.


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