[其他] Michael的两位男友——白马医生David Cameron和热辣教授Ben Bruckner


Chris Potter只演了一季全部出场的时间加在一起似乎也没有多少,但是他所塑造的Dr. David这个角色却深受很多人的喜爱与拥护。也难怪,呵呵——处于上流社会,有钱有房有车有事业,相貌英俊,气质温和,谈吐优雅;而最重要的,我想,是因为他有一颗真挚的心和一份真感情吧。David是非常爱Michael的。从他在超市主动表明态度到得知Michael与Brian之间的紧密关系却依然没有放弃到最后独自一人坐在飞机上那寂寞而忧伤的表情,都可以看出这一点。虽然最终他们还是没能走到一起。个人以为,在这段感情上,两个人都没有错。David一直都在努力,所以,他们拥有过很多快乐的时光。可惜,David本身的性格就是属于比较强势的那种,他习惯了按照自己的方式把诸事都安排妥当。但他不明白这并不是Michael想要的。Michael是个善良而单纯(尽管有时比较孩子气)的人,他需要别人的照顾和关心,然而并非是以这样的方式。另外,由于Brian的缘故,对于这段感情来说,在当时也的确是个阻碍。本来Michael已经想通了,临上飞机的那刻,却意外接到Brian的电话。或许这就是天意吧,冥冥中自有注定。两个人最后的结局,让不少人都深感惋惜。或许,因为从一开始他们就是两个世界的人吧,他们还需要更多的时间去接纳与磨合。当然,不得不承认这样的一个结局多少都有些突兀。这与Chris Potter的辞演有关。其实有时也会想,如果CP当初继续演下去,那又会是怎样的一种情景。可惜,永远也无法知道了。

即便Dr. David已经离开,但依然有相当数量的人因为Michael最后没有和他走下去而感到失望。于是,有了Ben的出现。当他踏进书店的那一刻开始,从某种程度上无疑已经填补了David留下的空缺,也让很多喜欢Michael的观众多少获得些安慰。与David相比,Ben同样出色。大学教授,知识渊博,幽默风趣,善解人意,身材健硕,又那么性感。而最重要的一点是,难得的谦逊有礼,宽容大度。他为了Michael放弃了去西藏的计划,这点是很让人感动的。而最后的结局也昭示了——Michael的感情归宿是圆满的,他终究获得了属于自己的幸福。如此,当我们再度回望最初他与David那段无郁而终的恋情时,是不是也可以释怀了呢?



Chris Potter

Birth name Christopher Jay Potter

Nickname Cricket or CJ

Height 6' 2" (1.88 m)

Date of birth 23 August, 1960

Place of birth Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Known for Silk Stalkings, The Pacifier, Sex Traffic

Born in Toronto, Potter discovered a love of acting in school but never considered pursuing it as a career. Eventually he worked as a stockbroker in Europe and in Canada, while continuing to perform in amateur theater productions. He caught the attention of Martha Henry, one of Canada's leading actresses, who cast him in the Canadian production of "Biloxi Blues" in Toronto. Potter won rave reviews and within a month landed a leading role in the CBC television series "Material World"(1990).

He made a name for himself in television starring in two long-running popular dramatic series, which at one point let to him appearing on screen in two different roles at the same time. He played David Carradine’s son and crime fighting partner in "Kung Fu: The Legend Continues"(1993), which debuted in 1993 and aired for four seasons, and starred as a hard-hitting police sergeant for three years in USA Network's "Silk Stalkings"(1991), for which he also served as an episode director. Some of his other credits include CBS's _Open House (2003/I) (TV), Rush of Fear(2003) (TV), the ABC pilots The Big House(2001) (TV) and "Astronauts" (2002), "Andromeda", the USA Network television movie, The Waiting Game(1998) (TV), as the voice of Gambit in the Fox animated series "X-Men"(1992) and as a guest star on "Will & Grace"(1998).

An actor with a flair for edgy, unconventional roles, Potter recently guest starred as Dr. David Cameron in the first season of Showtime's much-talked-about hit series, "Queer as Folk"(2000). He has also just completed production on the upcoming Miramax feature film release Spymate (2003) and will be seen in the ABC mini-series "Wrinkle in Time, A" (2003) (mini). In 2001, he received the New York International Independent Film & Video Festival Award for best actor for his first feature film role in the drama Rocket's Red Glare (2000/II).

Potter is married and has four children——Jessie, Quinn, Claire, and Gray.

Actor–filmography and director–filmography



Robert Gant

Birth name Robert Gonzalez

Date of birth 13 July, 1968

Place of birth Tampa, Florida, USA

Known for Friends, Queer As Folk

Skills Singing, Dancing, Dialects / Accents, Law Degree (Georgetown University)

Robert Gant continues to emerge as one of Hollywood's most sought-after actors. Robert began acting in television commercials and joined the Screen Actors Guild at the age of ten in his home state of Florida. He attended undergrad at the University of Pennsylvania and law school at Georgetown University. While studying law, he never gave up on his true passion, acting, and performed in numerous theatrical productions. Interestingly, it was his career as an attorney that brought him to Los Angeles when he accepted a position with the world's largest law firm. In a twist of fate, the firm's Los Angeles office was closed soon after. Taking that as an omen, he made the decision to focus all of his time on acting. The decision was a good one. From 2001 to the present, Robert has graced television screens every week as part of the cast of Showtime's hit television series, "Queer as Folk." Prior to QAF, he recurred on the WB's "Popular" and on NBC's "Caroline in the City." Gant has had many notable guest spots on such TV hits as "Friends," "Veronica's Closet," "Becker," "Melrose Place," "Ellen," and "Providence." He also appeared in the independent films "The Contract," "Fits and Starts" and "Marie and Bruce," starring Julianne Moore and Matthew Broderick. In June 2004, Gant, along with actress Cady Huffman (Broadway’s The Producers), filmed "Billy's Dad is a Fudgepacker." The short film is an homage to 1950s educational films and will premiere in November at Power Up's annual dinner gala and award ceremony before making its way on the festival circuit. Last summer, Gant was the recipient of a special civil rights award presented to him in New York's City Hall. Other recipients were Sharon Gless and Gale Harold, also of "Queer as Folk," along with "Chicago" director Rob Marshall, Shirley MacLaine and Steven Daldry.

His time in Hollywood is not limited to acting, however. Along with producing partners Chad Allen and Christopher Racster, Robert has started the film and television production company, mythgarden. They have optioned an exciting slate of initial projects, each with varying degrees of gay-focused content, and are developing a number of other films and television shows. While he gives time to a number of philanthropic and political causes, Robert's "torch issue" is that of aging in the gay community. He supports such organizations as SAGE (Senior Advocacy for GLBT Elders) and GLEH (Gay and Lesbian Elder Housing). He is also developing a website devoted entirely to gay elders and all matters that affect them. Robert currently resides in Los Angeles.

He was a practicing attorney before going into acting full time.
He was the recipient of a special civil rights award presented to him in New York's City Hall in 2003.
At the age of eleven, he performed a soft-shoe routine with Bob Hope as part of Hope's USO tour.

Personal quotes
Gandhi said, 'Be the change you wish to see in the world," and so I guess I'm being the change that I wish to see. ~~~~
For me, the litmus test to know whether or not I'm doing the right thing is to examine whether my decisions are love-based or fear-based. I think outing people is fear based, the fear that if we don't out them, it will make things harder for all of us. It's important to treat people with love. How would you treat your own kid? Would you whip him out of the closet, or would you sit down with him, talk, hug and help him come out on his own?
A friend of mine says, "In God's world there are no mistakes, only lessons." So I'm coming out exactly when I'm supposed to.
Freedom is my big buzzword in life. It's just my favorite word. And I think so many of my choices have been about gaining freedom.
I think as a kid I wasn't even aware of the extent to which my freedom was being infringed upon. We're conditioned not even to know that we're not free. When you think about what we all believe America to be, it just seems ludicrous that so much of America's populace lives in this sort of prison. I think coming out for me is really about tearing down the prison wall.
"I'm really happy now. I'm constantly amazed by what's possible. It's only begun."
People who are HIV positive certainly don't have much of a voice and so, in playing Ben, I love getting to be the mouthpiece for a lot of people who are otherwise voiceless.

Actor–filmography, producer–filmography and self-filmography



原帖由 doraemon 于 2006-10-25 16:09 发表
个人觉得Chris Potter更帅,所以David在印象分上就要高一些~

他应该“像爱男人一样”爱Michael ^^||||||




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