In an interview Shawn—one of the  writer of the show said "With Justin and Brian, they were both each other's first love
and as fabulous and enthralling as a first love is,  it's also not always the most mature kind of love,  it's also not the most
nourishing kind of love that you can get from a relationship, it can't clarify… what love should be and all that kind of stuff. It felt right to me that they left on a parting note yet still acknowledging that they will always love each other. Because
when I think about my first love, I still love him, I haven't spoken with him in over 4 years. We lost touch but there's a
special place in my heart that is his and my current husband knows that and accepts that. And so…"
But I do'nt think so. Many couples' first love is not only  as long as their lives but also  they are together all day long. Can't
gay men do it?


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