下面是引用lovefcuk于2005-02-13 18:57发表的:
關於mr. sparks的演技和態度,他的拍擋最有資格說話吧?

Robert Gant最近的一個訪問︰

If your production company made a same-sex love story, and you had your choice of any actor to play your lover, who would you choose?


訪問進行的時間,是Robert在他的短片「Billy's Dad Is a Fudge-Packer」的宣傳活動中,記者在問了一些電影的問題之後,問了以下問題:

Your production company focuses on developing gay-themed projects. But I'm curious: Do you ever seek out straight roles, or would you be interested in even playing straight? Some actors can pull it off. Rupert Everett can.

I think it's just a matter of time before I do a straight leading-man role.


Yeah, I really do. In fact, this week I was supposed to go in for a straight lead on a series, but I was a little under the weather and couldn't make it. But I think I'm ripe for it. I think the timing is ripe, and it's yet to happen. Now, with Rupert Everett, it's a bit of a different ballgame insofar as he's British, and American audiences make allowances for British actors [laughs]. There's just a different sociology or psychology of what it means to be a man in different cultures.

If your production company made a same-sex love story, and you had your choice of any actor to play your lover, who would you choose?

[Thinks awhile.] You know what? What I'd love to do is pick a gay actor. Because as terrific as Hal [Sparks, Gant's lover on "QAF"] is, I would love to experience as an actor what it would be like to take that acting journey with someone who had the experiential background -- maybe someone who had fewer boundaries, you know? Someone for whom it would be more natural to kiss someone of the same sex. Because it requires so much more work on the side of straight actors. But that said, there aren't a lot of actors to choose from.



訪問全文:http://www.planetout.com/enterta ... rtainment/sundance/

事實上,Robert在另外一則訪問中也有提過(抱歉一時間找不到原文,找到時會補上),Hal在演出一些困難的、壓抑的感情戲之前一個禮拜(我記得尤其是針筒那場戲),會開始對自己很糟,runs himself ragged,這樣他才能在更融入角色,在演出時Break down and cry,甚至下了戲還脫離不了角色,會停不住哭,而這讓他(Robert)深刻地感覺到Hal演出這個角色的付出與辛苦。


喜歡愛看漫畫的Mikey?喜歡愛中國的Hal Sparks? 來加入我們吧~ QQ:9029214


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