
  the last  episode is just so dramatic,made me sad,
i mean ,everything is just going as it is going to be, the romantic dance of J and B,M's catching up  with the flight,
and then , everything fades away, so sad, my heart broke
but there's one thing that B finally know: he loves J
the end theme melody is not as usual ,either.
saxphone with some church chorus, everything's so calm, uncomfortbly calm.
and then disappeared with a pathetic ending
is it implying that GAY thing is still not accepted by the straight world,while I do,now .

首先要感谢的是,终于有人回帖子了,老泪横流啊,其次谢谢楼上的赞赏,那些英语,在看了N多的原声电影和N遍的friends以后,u will get it yourself,
by the way ,我现在已经看到season 2 episode 12了,
brian刚刚组织了一场L和M 的婚礼,他简直就是这群人的精神领袖,B和J真的很配,但是J在他们sex当中的女性角色已经固定了,It's so weird to see him fucking others


下面是引用热带雨林于2005-06-23 18:19发表的:

是啊, 就是这件事情让我们看到了他对J的爱,和他火热的内心,还有后来他天天晚上去看J,

at that time,I wish i could hold him in my arms,


但是在看的时候一定要听原文,不然有些东西会理解的不深刻,字幕有错误的地方,we just broke up翻译成我们刚刚休息,i'm not like u翻译成我不喜欢你,汗嗷嗷流
当然这只是一些小小的错误,season 2 的翻译很厉害,




今天看到了第三季 觉得Justin很过分,他明明知道Brian对他的感觉,


season5 是最后的 了吗 ?


first time fell in love, i wanna say a little earlier,
J and Daph went to the bar to see B, when J saw B dancing with two guys, he took off his shirt,and danced,finally,B came up to dance with him,then they went B's place for their second fuck.
The point is:B rarely fuck a guy twice.so i wanna say, maybe this is when B felt sth special about J,though he never tells. but it's in the last episode that we can tell B cannot canceal his love for J any more, he cried


下面是引用monster于2005-07-04 00:26发表的:
well, good point
and, what about the fisrt time he saw justin cry, is this mean that something special for brian that see someone cry for himself?

J什么时候哭了?是B得了testicle cancer 吗?那段好象B不知道啊,已经昏睡过去了;


i think that's just the reaction of a big change in B's life,  u know,after lindsay's giving birth to Gus, I don't think that's real


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