[短篇] 访客/The Visitor [240M/AVI][英语无字][Rayfile]

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The Visitor
A Film by Dan Castle
Cast: Barry Otto, Nick Carpenter, Gran Dodwell
Country: Australia
Year: 2002
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
Location: Sydney (Australia)
Runtime: 30 min
IMDB: tt0363190

Michael is avoiding phone calls regarding his dear friend and former lover Chris who is dying back in America. While trying to write, he is disturbed by the noisy surfers next door as they get ready for a weekend away of surf. C.K., one of the surfers, remains behind to surf the local beach. At the beach cafe for lunch with his old friend Angus, Michael again avoids discussing Chris back in America. Angus catches Michael watching C.K. on the beach and teases him but Michael denies any interest in the surfer.



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