


确实,美版对同志社区的描写比uk丰富和宏大了很多,涉及了很多uk完全忽略的问题,比如AIDS, gay marriage, adoption, queer study等等...但题材的广泛不能掩盖爱情的虚假,我完全不认为美版描述的是“普普通通的g点滴生活”,且不说justin这个人物的塑造远远不如nathan真实可信(回想在你我十七岁的时候,身边最成熟的同龄人能到什么程度),事实上,极少听说哪位真实的成熟的同志爱上了一个无论年龄阅历还是生活圈都与自己相去甚远的小孩子,十二年的人生积累是智商和情商都难以逾越的坎儿,更夸张的是甚至要走入婚姻。。。


反而是英版,除了最后不到十分钟的Phoenix那一段,我不认为整部有哪里超现实(那个fantasy结尾,更多的是RD作为doctor who粉丝而贩卖的私货),stuart和vince的爱是身边多数人的翻版,虽然大多没有16年那么长(我自己刚过20岁),"nathan, u r just a little kid, don't think u know me" 远比“ to show the person i love that i can do everything and make any change for him" 更可能在青春少年耳边响起

英版是queer as folk, us的题目我觉得queer as fairy更合适

我想qaf的粉丝们是喜欢us还是uk,和先入为主无关,尽管有漂亮如gale的珠玉在前,我依然被aidan gillen魅惑得心神摇荡,simply destined to be attracted by that type, never mind height and figure.



p.s. 个人非常欣赏randy,舞台剧演员真是游刃有余,他为justin这个苍白的形象增色太多了,如果换个比他帅但实力平平的演员,我想自己对美版就完全看不下去了。。。。。。


hands shaking*^*

I assume we have reached agreements on several points:
1) range covered by US is much larger than UK
2) QaF US is a typical soup opera while UK is more like a drama based on RD's somewhat novel
3) neither of them is totally shit *^*

What I wanna say is one's AGE is not just a number, (a number is not worth talking about at all),  it contains days of his lives, and the unique traits and experiences shared by his peers. Of course for some people almighty love can fulfill the age gap, a pity to say I don't think the screenplay gives me a sound reason in this case.

Fairy or folk, it should be judged by the core of a play, and no doubt that love affair is the core of QaF, while social issues like discrimination or sth just make a necessary background.


a little sigh *&*

have babbled too much, esp. when without chinese input tool packaged.
Maybe that's for my self-identification concerning love. I met my husband when we were in first year, the guy is so humble that u definitely cannot count on him for somwhat showy stuff. We always hang out together even when we fell in relationship respectively. It's just so natural that we made a couple after commencement - he is the one I am so familiar with and I cannot imagine myself with anybody else. That massive attachment to my parents transferred to him.

Beautiful boys are everywhere, and I stick to my old guy, and that always makes me feel good. For anyone who claims "too familiar to be together", I don't think that's the reason for not making it.


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