





原帖由 TeddyCarey 于 2008-7-25 08:43 发表



本帖最后由 sandy_6836 于 2010-4-9 18:44 编辑

感覺這兩張照片和Berkshire Fine Arts上的那張 WB不一樣...

原文地址:http://arts-america.blogspot.com ... ky-and-so-am-i.html


Randy Harrison is Lucky, And so am I.

It's been a busy week for this writer. In addition to an enlightening conversation I had with Williamstown Theatre Director John Rando about A Flea in Her Ear, (see item below) I also had a chance to talk with Randy Harrison about his role as Lucky in Waiting for Godot. It will be presented on the Unicorn Theatre stage at the Berkshire Theatre Festival from July 29 to August 23.

這周讓作者忙坏了。除了和Williamstown劇院的監製John Rando進行一次就A Flea in Her Ear這部戯有啓發的談話,(見下文)我還有機會和<等待戈多>中扮演Lucky的Randy Harrison進行了交談。這部戯將于7月29日至8月23日在Berkshire戲劇節的獨角獸劇院進行公演。

Randy's skills on stage are substantial and growing each year. For those who admired his performance on Showtime's popular Queer as Folk series, it has been a revelation. For Harrison is more than just the character Justin which he played back then. He is a man of a thousand roles, each one as unique and challenging as any actor could ask for.

Randy在舞臺上的技巧是扎實的,並且逐年成長。對於那些喜歡他在Showtime的熱門連續劇Queer as Folk中的表演的人,這是一個新發現。對於Harrison這遠遠超越他在當時演出的Justin這樣一個角色。他是一個演繹過上千角色的男人,每一個角色都是對於任何一個演員來説想要追求的獨特和具有挑戰性。

In Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, Harrison takes on a theatrical role that is difficult and daring, that of Lucky, the servant, or "slave" of Pozzo. Not as big a role as the tramps Didi or Gogo, but absolutely as challenging. The full interview I had with Harrison is published over at Berkshire Fine Arts, and also includes some analysis of Beckett and Godot. And if you have not yet subscribed over there for their email alerts, it's an easy way to keep up with my adventures, too.

在Samuel Beckett所寫的<等待戈多>中,Harrison將飾演一個困難且大膽的戲劇角色,Lucky,一個僕人,Pozzo的“奴隸”。不是像流浪漢Didi或Gogo那樣的大角色,但絕對是有挑戰性的。我對Harrison的採訪全篇發佈在樂Berkshire Fine Arts的網站上,還有一些對貝克特和<等待戈多>一劇的分析。如果你還沒有以郵件提醒的方式訂閲那裏的文章,到我的blog來跟進我的那些冒險也很容易。

Randy Harrison interview
Randy Harrison採訪

More Thoughts About Godot

Admit it, there are quite a few of us waiting for Godot, the play, to open at the Berkshire Theatre Festival - so that we can get our Beckett "fix", our mental escape into the theatre of the absurd.


For the person who sees Waiting for Godot for the first time, our passion for this play is as mysterious as the play itself. Most first time audience members content themselves with the physical comedy, the play on words, and leave wondering what all the fuss was about.


But that is where the addiction to Godot, and all things Beckett begins. Innocently. With a simple recollection of unexplained nonsense. I got bitten, bad, by the Beckett bug many years ago, and my malaise grows worse, the mysteries even more unfathomable than on first viewing. Like his character Lucky, I too am doomed to carry this baggage and noose around my neck for the rest of my life.


I too was young once, and entertaining, and now I speak what appears to be gibberish, at least when I discuss Godot. So many of my friends do not get it, lucky souls.


The text of Lucky’s speech is strange. Imagine taking all the great works of Western thought, putting them through a paper shredder, and then pasting them back together as best you can.


What you end up with is a total deconstruction and desecration of the basis of philosophy and the logic of science. Since I sometimes wrestle with the limitations of writing complex thoughts in simple language, it is liberating, even hilarious.


At the end of the interview I was able to snap a few quick photos of Randy. Here is another.






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