Aidan Gillen and Charlie Hunnam talked about how to do the sexy stuff

Aidan Gillen ###It was written by somebody who knew what they were talking about. And if they were putting their faith in me, then I could pull it off. I wouldn't take a part that I wasn't completely convinced I could play. Doing the sex scenes...Well, it's like a pretty important part of my character. He's a very kind of sexual personality. There's not much that you need to be told about touching somebody, or having sex with somebody... really. Unless you are frigid.

Charlie Hunnam ###I couldn't really believe what I was reading. I just didn't believe that they'd be able to show that. I thought that when it came to doing the scenes,it would be a lot tamer than how it was written.But we did it exactly how it was written and it was screened that way too, so I was kind of shocked. I was quite worried about...,I mean...,not about doing the sex scenes in general, but the fact that I'd be naked in front of the whole crew. Aidan is a cool guy,so we just...,we just fucking did it,you know. Nobody made a big deal about it. It was just like another scene. It was a closed set. People came in to spread vaseline arould and spray us with water. So we looked like we were sweating. Just the cameraman,soundman in there,and the focus puller.So it was just the three guys and we just fucking did it. We did it over one day. A full day of sex and then that was it.

[ 本帖最后由 blue-eyed 于 2007-1-18 18:45 编辑 ]

演Stuart的演员Aidan Gillen 在戏外更迷人。可能Stuart这个角色太放荡了,我有点难以忍受。可演员Aidan Gillen 在戏外有魅力多了。稳重儒雅的英沦帅哥,还时不时回一个电力十足的微笑,魅力放电的勾魂双眸......


原帖由 MK 于 2007-1-7 22:48 发表




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