He's not my boyfriend. This man is more to me than you can dream. He's the moon when I'm lost in darkness and warmth when I shivering cold and his kiss still thrills me even after millennium. His heart overflows with kindness which this world is not worthy of. I love this man beyond measure and reason. His not my boyfriend. He's all and he's more.(他不仅仅是我的男朋友,这个人对我的意义远超你能想象的一切。他是我迷失在黑暗中时为我指路的月光,是我饥寒交迫时的一丝温暖,他的吻就算过了一千年也依旧让我兴奋到颤抖。他的心溢满了这个世界配不上的善良。我对这个人的爱超越因果、无法估量。他不是我的男朋友,他对我来说意味着一切,他是我的余生。)【tips,打这段评论的时候突然发现我把millennium拼错了!好家伙我自己造了个词millioniel还用了一年没发现过】


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