[纪录片] Three/三人行[又名:三人同居樂][纪实访谈][518M][avi][中字][百度网盘][应求]


Cast:  John, Gary, Kris
Director:  Uncredited
Country:  US, Great Britain
Length: 55 min
Year: 1997
Studio :  Greenwood/Cooper

剧情:"Who says three's a crowd? John, Gary  Kris beg to differ. Based on Howard Roffman's world-wide best selling photography book Three, this no-holds-barred documentary chronicles the highs  lows of a three-way love affair. Gorgeous  uninhibited, these American boys in London have agreed to let the outside world into their private lives in this provocative expose on love, passion  friendship.

The photo book was just the beginning, as they candidly discuss the challenges, joys intimacies of being three young men in love with each other -  they expose every aspect of their unique bond to the camera. This should not be missed! Contains explicit language full nudity."

三名帥哥搬到舊金山 展開三人行的同居生活 在這部紀實訪談片中 他們坦然面對鏡頭 大談自己的工作 感情 以及三人之間的性生活 與相處的情形
影片後半段的高潮是 他們答應一個攝影師好友的邀約 將為一份雜誌拍攝全裸照片......而舊金山同志圈的生活點滴 也藉由跟拍他們的生活實況 一一呈現


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