同样找了好多访谈,发现两个主演都是straight就有点==。一直觉得roy长得像谁就是想不起来,Nimir好像新疆帅哥,很帅很可爱啊。心态不好,觉得他们都是straight真是太可惜了。。。不知道楼主有木有看到:Michael Aloni是主动去争取这个角色的,和其他来面试的演员不同,他不仅仅是现场读稿子,在面试前还做足了功课。导演曾经觉得他是大明星不想用他。他是以色列版 The Voice的主持人,并且主持着一档很火的儿童节目(以色列绿泡泡。。。)


‘I just got lucky. Michael Aloni, the guy who plays Roy. is a big star in Israel. And I always say and people always laugh, but I never really wanted him because he was this pretty boy and he played in a bunch of teen dramas. I wasn’t sure and my casting director actually told me to go watch him in a couple of movies where he does serious roles and he’s absolutely amazing.

I was like, “Okay.” So I met with the guy and he came so prepared for the role. And he came in…he already did the work, which is so rare when you meet with a bunch of actors that show up, read, and they’re out of there. He really wanted the role and I felt he was so good, there was really no other choice for me.’


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