他是在拍电影,没错。 但是肯定不是因为正好被这个“wonderful work opportunity ”取消掉科隆的。
凡是电 ...
isabelwalker 发表于 2012-5-29 19:47

yes, i agree. Work is just an excuse.


本帖最后由 nitrogen 于 2012-6-2 10:21 编辑



Sharon was amazing. I was happy when I found out she would be the one to take Gale's place in the activities he should have done and she didn't disappoint me. She is a great Woman. And I use the capitol W not by mistake. She also was the one to have the balls to mention Gale when it seemed everyone was afraid of doing it. She not only mentioned him but made sure to let us know how much Gale really DID want to be there.

大家谁也没敢提Gale, 最后是Sharon谈到了Gale, 她说其实Gale是非常想来的。


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