Justin in Season 4

  you guys may have discussed this before.. i dont know

i like to write my thoughts down tho,

was feeling bored
so watched a few eps of season 4

Justin has been so adultish lately.

i want him to be more playful again. he acts older than Brian. lol.

I think thats because with all the sh*t he has been through he has been force to grow up and mature faster.

I just miss the sunshine that would listen to his cd player and leave brians loft door open, and be dancin around. yeah. mmmm.

I wanted him to go back skool, but im not sure what they can teach him anymore. he can't really draw by hand anymore, so its not like they can teach him classical technique. id like to see him moving on as an actual artist, not just an artist in training. His anti-Stockwell posters in season 3 were apparently a sensation, and i think more personal, political work would be good for him and his career.


I definitely think that if Justin goes to L.A., he wont come back. He's already seduced by the glitz & glamour, the bright lights and big city. He even said, "It's going to be hard to go back to Pittsburgh after this." I can see him wanting to start an new exciting life in L.A., and that's where he's making his mark and his contacts, and as history has shown Justin is quite capable of falling for other people, unlike Brian; I think Brian could stand the 8 month separation, because it's clear that he's chosen Justin. But I think Justin would come back a different person.

i hope im wrong. cuz for me, Justin and Brian ARE QAF. they are the only reason I watch. If they split up for good, I probably wouldn't continue watching the show.

p.s. If this were reali life, it would probably be unrealistic of me to expect Justin to be with "his first" for the rest of his life. But damnit, it's a show and thats what i want.

i want my boys together 4-Ever. Maybe Brian can move his agency to L.A. Lots of advertising business out there.


下面是引用brijus于2004-12-05 22:37发表的:



ah thank you so much for replying again.

I dont care what's between Gale and Randy tho  :P  Because it has nothing to do with me..

I like Brian, I Love Gale,

he is more than an actor himself.  he's genius

I ve been trying finding all the movies that starring with Gale,

but so far. no much luck.    

well I could find them at ebey or amazone.  but I dont have my own credit card..
when I bought QAF dvds I had to borrow my friend's..


下面是引用tonizh于2004-12-06 12:42发表的:
cozzzer are you too young to have credit card? you can use debit card ahhhhhh...

I just dont bother to have one

but anywayz I will have to apply one when its time for me to apply University


下面是引用brijus于2004-12-23 14:57发表的:
Brian: That is so like you! You don’t hear what you want so you leave. Try standing up for yourself for a change, have some balls! –308(Brian一直在教Justin从另一面去看B对他的爱,只是死爱面子的从不直说)

right.  Brian + Justin.  theres no doubt


下面是引用athena625于2004-12-23 16:10发表的:

in that case. no one really would hurt others

Justin wouldnt hurt Brian intended


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