[电影] Aaron... Albeit a Sex Hero[AVI][692M][无字幕][RayFile]

Aaron... Albeit a Sex Hero

Country:  US
Studio:  Silly Bunny Pictures
Cast: Matthew Burnett, Rafiel Soto, Christopher Lee Gibson, Mary Farrar
Director:  Paul Bright
Screenwriter:  Paul Bright
Language:  English
Video: 672 x 400, 972 KBit/s, 25 fps, MPEG-4
Audio: Stereo, MPEG Layer 3, 48,000 KHz
Length: 01:43:01

Aaron Morgan has had a really bad day. His dead-end job offers no solace and to make matters worse, he is stung by a scorpion, attacked by a rattlesnake, kidnapped and chased by gun-toting maniacs, mesmerized by a new co-worker and then forced to endure a busload of old ladies wearing lots of perfume. Nothing goes his way. It’s just a day in the life of Aaron.
Aaron hates his job and he has already done a lot in his life—most of which he does not like. When he finally decides it is time to quit his job—he has had too much—a really hot guy starts to work there. With his luck the way it has been going, Aaron doesn’t know what to expect from the new hire and herein lays the problem. This is the new film from Waterbearer and it is one that you must see. We get a new kind of action hero as we watch the story of one man and how he yearns for a new beginning. Director Paul Bright gives us a new kind of film with a well chosen cast that acts its heart out—and seems to have great fun doing so.



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