

2006 is going to be a banner year for Gale Harold fans. It has just been announced that Gale will star in a "high profile" pilot for the Fox Network called "Vanished," a study of an on-going mystery involving the disappearance of a Senator's wife.
Gale has also been tapped to take a recurring role on HBO's popular series Deadwood, where he will portray Wyatt Earp beginning in Season 3. The internet is all abuzz at the prospect of Gale as the famous lawman. The current estimates are that Gale's episodes will air some time in summer '06. I'll update this guide when we have more information.

If you've ever seen Queer As Folk, I don't have to tell you about Gale. As gay anti-hero Brian Kinney he garnered an impressive following of female fans. Yes, Ladies, the man is Straight. and Gorgeous. And Smart. If the usual eye candy like Brad and Tom just doesn't do it for you - or if you've ever wished Ashton Kutcher had a Brian - You might want to give Gale a closer look. Gale Harold is the thinking woman's sex symbol.

[ 本帖最后由 清朗的时候 于 2006-3-5 02:27 编辑 ]
too late to die young


偷偷送给小圣   偷偷笑
too late to die young



[ 本帖最后由 清朗的时候 于 2006-3-10 23:05 编辑 ]
too late to die young


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