[未完结] 【原创B&J】hey~we are a couple(09.11.17更新至63#)

本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-11-17 13:41 编辑

hey~we are a couple

scene:Justin's apartment     6:11 A.M.
          in a king size bed

Justin(睡眼惺忪地求饶):No,Brian,please don't(愈发火热地喘息着)...ah~~~don't do it again...um~~~
Brian(像一只贪婪的野兽,舌尖在Justin乳头上来回吮吸舔舐,手下亦不停套弄着他的分身,邪魅地轻笑着,在Jusitn耳边逗弄):You like it,don't you,honey?how passionate you were last night, forgot it?
Jusitn(欲望渐渐被唤醒,臣服于Brian高超的床上技巧下,媚人地呻吟着,断断续续地抱怨):ah~~~you have fucked me three...no,I think four...times...since yesterday evening,ah~~~
Brian(突然停下所有动作,欣赏着眼前欲火难耐,微张着嘴娇喘并扭动着身体的爱人,很欠揍的调侃):I am too young to be satisfied so easily little twit ,and by the way... we are having a long time.
Justin(皱着眉,隐忍着欲望无处发泄,催促着):um~~~I...I can't bear it...fuck me Brian...harder.
Brian(抬起Jusitn的双腿,架在自己肩上,带着惯有的戏谑笑容):yes sir,my artist.
Jusitn(配合着Brian一波又一波的猛力贯穿摆动着越发性感的腰枝,忘情地):ah~~~god ah~~~ah~~~
Brian(陶醉地抽送着巨大火热的分身,挥汗如雨地喘息着):um~~~you are...amazing...so much sunny boy...ah————
Brian(激情过后,满足地将脑袋一下子栽进柔软的枕头里,拥着身下累坏的Justin,喘息着,正经了几分):...remember ,I ever asked you that... "if we married,you would still belong me?"
Brian(浅吻着Justin,抚弄着Justin结识小腹):...now I can be sure about that...because of your body's reaction.(笑着眨了眨大眼,傲慢、放荡地大喊一声)fuck—— is forever!
Justin(被Brian无厘头的话逗笑了,睡意全无,调整了一下姿势,单手垫在后脑下,望着天花板,用一种仿佛来在天堂的飘渺声音,不知是在问Brian还是在问自己):...is it reality?


Brian(一只手单手撑在脑侧,侧过身,躺在Justin旁边,另一只手拿起床头柜烟灰缸里尚未熄灭的香烟,深深地吸了一口,优雅地向Justin脸上突出一个烟圈,吊儿郎当的像在说着别人的事情):yeah...sunshine...(沉默了一会儿,看了一眼同时偏着脑袋看着自己的Jusitn,送上了一个充满烟草味道却不失温柔的吻,毫无疑问地)hey,we are a couple!

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.

本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-15 14:01 编辑

hello,detective Taylor

scene:in front of N.Y.Police Department building   10:07 A.M.

Brian(不情愿地被Justin拉着一路走,没好气地):ho~look at this~who can tell me why the fuck I am here?
Jusitn(一路笑着,并不理会Brian的怨言,指着面前大楼骄傲地):Look!the fourth floor is the crime scene investigation lab.
Brian(不耐烦地瞟了一眼,调侃地):i prefer to look for a hot and licentious gay bar rather than stay here with the damn automobile exhaust.
Justin(无奈又好笑地):come on Brian,we put on our pants twenty minutes ago.can't you forget it just a few hours,can you?
Brian(不以为然地挑挑眉):Nature is innocent,further more it is my talent.you know it clearly honey.
Justin(知道跟Brian讨论这个话题完全没有意义,并且不得不承认他说的该死的都对,举起双手,吃瘪地):ok,ok,Brian,stop it.
Brian(也无意继续毫无建树的斗嘴):so——now if you can give me a reason about coming here?

a man walked out N.Y.Police Department building and came here.

the person(在对街挥挥手,招呼着):hey——Justin!(一边跟过往的车辆打着让行的手势,一边往这边走)
Brian(迷惑地看着一旁笑容灿烂目迎陌生人的Justin,有点吃味,不正经地开口):ohoh~sunny boy,you have a heavy taste.let me guess...maybe he's a cop.  Is he forty or fifty at least?
Jusitn(白了一眼正眨着大眼,满脸嘲弄地看着来人的Brian,凑近他耳边,反唇相讥):you know it Mr. Kinney,old men are my favorite always,just like some asshole.(手暗暗在Brian的dick上恶作剧地抓了一把)
Mac(给了Justin一个大大的拥抱,脸上带着稳重的含蓄微笑):hi~Justin.(拍拍Justin的周身)you are much stronger than a few months ago.
Justin(耸耸肩,挂着阳光般的笑容):thanks .(拉过身边一副事不关己的Brian)Mac,this is Brian.
Mac(打量了面前高大英俊的男人,干练地伸手):nice to meet you .  Justin often talked about you .
Brian(手依然插在口袋里,犹豫了一下,还是不情愿地跟Mac握了握,一脸假笑,阴阳怪气地):nice to meet you too Mac(指了指Mac别在腰间的警徽)police badge is shining.
Mac(下意识地拍拍警徽):yeah,  a  heavy  responsibility.
Justin(在一旁点头表示认同,客观地评价):you have been doing a very good job,Mac.
Brian(听着Mac“正经”的回答,嘴角止不住上扬,假意认同): aha~.(随即很认真地) would you allow me to ask one question Mac?
Brian(眼中闪过一抹奸计得逞般的笑意,继续着):Be honest... how old are you ?
Mac(一头雾水):excuse me?
Justin(尴尬地垂下头,低声咒骂):shit!Brian    Shut your big mouth up,ok?(泄气地抬头看着不知所谓的Mac,道歉)i'm sorry for Brian's offense uncle Mac.
Mac(安慰地对侄子说):never mind,kid. (审视地再度看向愣在一旁的Brian)I think you made a mistake...(再次伸出手)Mac Taylor,I'm a detective.
Brian(尴尬地笑着看向别处,终于转过头看着Mac,头痛地开口):uh...uh...hello detective Taylor.


ps:"Mac Taylor" is a chief role of CSI:N.Y. He is the boss of the crime scene investigation lab of N.Y.His team has many scientists and hi-tec instruments and equipments.
  "Mac Taylor"是美剧《犯罪现场调查纽约篇》中的主要角色。他是实验室的头儿。他的团队拥有许多学家和高科技的仪器和设备。



  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-9 21:32 编辑

3# cora
BTW,看了cora的1.2万字长篇哦,赞一个!:s17 向大人学习ing,呵
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


5# cora
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


7# L'ignorance
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


10# jwgyg
take it easy~      本人我也是个菜鸟级“文盲”,所以写出来的都是很口语滴,基本没啥难度,坦白讲,很复杂的句子和表达我也不太会,哈哈~
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-11 08:36 编辑

the target

scene:Justin's studio of N.Y.   10:08 A.M.

Justin's answering a phone from Tom Gil who was the chairman of the National Arts Association.

Tom Gil(欣喜、赞赏之情毫不掩饰):Mr. Taylor,you will be the next young Picasso in the near future.
Justin(礼貌又不失自信地应对着对方华而不实的辞藻,心底却并没有掀起更多的波澜):thank you for your appreciation. it will be a super power for me.

while David Brown came in ,Justin was making faces helplessly.David shook his head with a  funny laughter.

Justin(一边接着手机,一边即将爆发似的跟David比手画脚地,小声嘀咕):it has taken me almost one hour ...(对方再次盛情邀请他去参加明晚自己主持的party)...yeah,yeah,Mr. Gil,I will be there absolutely.
David从Justin身边走过,调出电脑里Justin本周的schedule,一一核实,在重要的约会下做好标记,并注明对方姓名、年龄、隶属机构、来意、性格、应注意的细节以及可从对方身上获取的各种利益......这几乎是近两年来他每日的必修课,所以很多熟识他们这对搭档的朋友都知道,Jusitn Taylor的成功,绝少不了这位金牌经纪人的功劳。

a few minutes later......


Justin(搔搔有些凌乱的金发,对着电话):ok,see you tomorrow Mr. Gil.
David(有些同情地递过咖啡):nice coffee
Justin(接过David送上的咖啡,喝了一大口,终于爆发了,火大地):damn it!It has no doubt Brian was right.
David(咖啡杯送到嘴边,顿了一下,斜睨一眼Justin,不甚关心地开口):so——what did Brian say again.
Justin(一脸恍然大悟地重复着Brian的话):it is more difficult to send grandpa away than making him hard.
David(张大嘴,久久说不出话,露出一副看到火星人的表情):... ... ... ...
Justin(不在乎地继续品尝着手中的咖啡,舔舔嘴唇,看了一眼可怜的David,戏谑的神情酷似Brian):um~~~very nice.I’ll take another one.

at the same time
scene:Justin's apartment   
Brian was connecting with Cythia,his assistant in Kinnetik ,by his blue teeth earphone.
Cythia(利落地报告完公司进来的动态,轻松地):Done...and any questions,boss?
Brian(开怀地笑笑,满意地调侃):aha~I am considering whether you will ask me for a more salary because of an excellent work.
Cythia(很默契地回嘴,故意暧昧地压低声音):if you have the ability,I will prefer to have a licentious Sunday night.
Brian(耸耸肩,很是无所谓地把话仍回给Cythia):if it is that you really want...maybe we can try it,but... are you sure Reid won't mind it?
Cythia(实在受不了Brian任何时候都放荡不羁的态度,并且了解,跟Brian斗嘴自己占不到任何便宜):Ok,please stop it Brian...I didn't mean it.that’s just a joke,you know it.
Brian(突然很认真地):yeah,I know you have wanted me for a long time.
Cythia(对老板偶尔表现出的孩子气无可奈何):Brian!——(决定放弃“抵抗”,溜之大吉,公事化的口吻)Mr. Kinney,please give my greeting to your husband...I don't think you have any other questions,so——see you.
Brian(听着耳机里传来的“嘟......”声,兀自地坏笑着,自言自语):If i couldn't handle the cooperation with the Pepsi for N.Y. department of Kinnetik,she would kill me.

scene:New York Police Department building    2:55 P.M.
            Crime Scene Investigation Lab      in Mac Taylor's office

somebody knocked at the door.
Mac(正在翻阅某个case的档案):come in.
Stella(夹着便携式电子板推门进入,神情紧急):hey Mac,that guy appeared again. (递给Mac便携式电子板)Zac Hanson ,a  gay pop star,was murdered in a club yesterday midnight.no witnesses.Danny and Adm are driving to the crime scene.
Mac(放下手中的档案夹,接过电子板看了看,习惯性地眉头深锁):a gay pop star ...in other words,the target of this serial killer is gay community.
Stella(听着Mac的分析,点头表示认同,并迅速补充):yeah,the surface evidences told us just like that,besides...three victims had been famous,successful and out of the box.they included two artists and one lawyer...that's all.
Mac(站起身来,拿过黑色长款大衣,往外走):come on ,let's check the crime scene.




  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


13# cora
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-11 09:10 编辑

为了让大家对Justin的叔叔detective Taylor以及涉及到的他的team members有个初步印象,特意搞了两张照片,呵~~~

左 Stella   右 Mac Taylor
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-11 15:50 编辑

18# dancingmm
不知不觉地好像就接着前一篇【goodbye,my love】写了:s44 没来得及跟大家说明~
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-12 07:04 编辑

a danger is getting close...

scene:the crime scene investigation lab   5:20 P.M.
           in the meeting room

Danny站在能媲美飞利浦56PFL9954H液晶电视家庭影院的超大屏幕前,操作着手里的遥控面板,讲解着Zac Hanson谋杀案现场的情况......

Danny(碧绿的眸子中映出屏幕上案发现场死者的照片,随即转过头,看向在坐的伙伴们,总结):...no witnesses,but fortunately we

found a clear fingerprint there ——victim's glasses...well...that's all .those evidences we brought from the crime scene are being tested in the lab.

Adm(补充道):this case happened in yesterday mid-night.The T.O.D. is about from 10:30 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.   Basing on Sid's

post-mortem report,the C.O.D. is asphyxia.

Stella(摇摇头,一脸疑问地看向Mac):it's different from the three murder cases before? it's unnormal.

Mac(严肃地看着屏幕上的死者,破乱的衣衫下布满虐打的伤痕,因长时间缺氧而发紫的嘴唇、惨白的面容,毫无生气地躺在N.Y.某肮脏后巷的垃圾箱旁边,冷静地分析):rage,impulse...maybe Zac Hanson was special...(眼睛突然一亮)come on Danny, back to the second picture.


Mac(指着死者被散乱的棕色头发遮挡得不太明显的左耳外廓):look! ——enlarge this part


Stella(仔细看着放大的照片局部,辨认了一会儿):it looks like a tattoo,and...uh...but it's not clear enough...B-R——

Adm(猜测着):the last letter may be N.

Danny(突然想起什么):maybe it is a name——(扫视了一圈在场的各位,手掌撑着会议桌)I talked to Zac's agent Grace Lee,she mentioned a secret admirer of Zac,that person signed "Bryan" in the card each time.Besides Grace Lee said she had once suspected they were lovers.But Zac had married a super model,Jessica Hepburn ,two months ago.

Stella(恍然大悟):the serial murder was started at the same time.

Mac(双手十指交叉放在会议桌上,利落地分配工作):Stella and Adm,go back to check all of the evidences of the four cases again as soon as possible.pay attention to the private letters and souvenirs.


Adm:yes sir.

Mac(把桌上的案件档案夹递给Danny):Danny,you and Flack ,go to survey the tattoo and search for the guy named Bryan.

Danny:got it.

Mac(慎重地看着大家):I repeat it again,the killer's target is some famous ,out of the box gay guys.I don't care who they are.I just know a danger is getting close to some civilian.so——if you had some relationships with the guys matching these conditions,you would be better to notice them taking care themselves recently. ——so any questions?



scene:a gay bar in N.Y.   1:42 A.M.
          in the dance floor

Brian(放纵地大笑,高声说):hey——you know sunshine,i really like the night of N.Y.  no limited,no hiding,no much fucking meaningless words,because nobody damn minds around people,just do what you wanna do.

Justin(笑着,忘情地吻住Brian,灵动的手指插入对方一如往昔般张扬却柔软的栗色发丝里):you are drunk...and you looked so ...happy,excited...why?tell me
Brian(性感地挑挑眉,赞赏地回吻着Justin):You are amazing !boy
Justin(故意压低嗓音,舔着Brian敏感的耳廓):um~~~so what's the reason of your happiness?
Brian(猛地搂紧Justin的腰,用渐渐觉醒的Dick顶着面前越发迷人的家伙,邪魅地开腔):telling you or not will totally depend on your action sunny boy.
Justin(心领神会地笑笑,拉着Brian已经松开的皮带,把对方带向Backroom):you will be die,grandpa.
Brian(幸福地抿嘴一笑,旋即挑衅地回敬):my pleasure,try it sweety.

scene:Justin's apartment

          the telephone had rang for a while.

telephone answering machine(Lindsay's voice):surprise!you are a happy new couple!haha~(Melanie's laughing)Ok,I must calm down(laughing) Melanie handled a case and got a big commission...we decide to take a vacation to N.Y.  (兴奋地大叫)certainly Gus and J.R.must be with their mothers.so——see you later—— in N.Y. boys!haha~(Melanie's voice:don't too work hard Brian!)(laughing out loud)...

scene:at a backstreet corner          2:00 A.M.





post-mortem report——验尸报告



  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-15 15:56 编辑

I smell a trap

scene:  in a Starbucks coffee shop on third Avenue and 92nd Street junction , Manhattan,N.Y.  10:35A.M.

Brian纯白衬衣+深蓝色Armani西装,黑色Gucci真丝领带,坐在靠窗的位置,一边酌着那杯没什么风味的拿铁,一边看着外面匆忙往来的人们,思忖着待会儿怎么应付PBNA(百事可乐北美公司)市场部的头头Henry Moore.

strange man(走过来,扫了一眼Brian):excuse me? Mr.Kinney?
strange man(眼前一亮,伸出手):Henry Moore.
Brian(立即起身,伸出手,与对方简单地握了握,公事化口吻):nice to meet you,Mr. Moore.
Henry Moore(礼貌地寒暄):nice to meet you    sorry ,i am late.
Brian(无所谓地耸耸肩):somebody would not be?so never mind it...and then——(深吸一口气,露出极具杀伤力的迷人微笑,看着Morre)may I start  my presentation?
Henry Morre(盯着Brian,一阵出神):...
Brian(眯着眼,看着目光呆滞的Morre,稍微提高了声音):...Mr. Moore?are you ok?
Henry Morre(一个激灵,睁了睁眼,终于回神,看向Brian,机敏地解释刚才的失态):yes. just a little tired... the nights of N.Y. have been attracting  me always...(不羁地撇撇嘴)so——
Brian(喝了一口咖啡,含蓄地笑笑,想起昨晚与Jusitn在bar度过的狂乱夜晚,听不出是戏谑还是认真的):aha~i think so.
Henry Morre(透过优雅的无框眼镜,不动声色却专注地观察面前的男人,微微扯动嘴角,露出了一个极难被察觉的诡异笑容,心里默默地):I know you know it,Brian.
... ...

scene:Justin's apartment   10:05 A.M.
when Jusitn slept in the bed,suddenly his cellphone rang noisily.
a few seconds later...
Mac(一贯平静的口吻):hey Jusitn.
Jusitn(半梦半醒中辨认出了Uncle Mac的声音,顿时清醒了一些,宿醉的眩晕和因昨夜与Brian疯狂做爱而透支的身体让他呲牙咧嘴,一手撑着额头,轻声咒骂):oh,shit!
Mac(听不到对方的回话):Justin?can you hear me?
Justin(顾不得身体的不适,答话):yeah,yeah,Uncle Mac.what's wrong?
Mac(沉默了一会儿,极为谨慎地开口):...look kid,I know something about you.maybe you didn't know what i knew it.
Justin(大脑仍处于半休眠,疑惑地):yeah...so——?what's that?
Mac(思考了一下):that is—— you are gay.
Mac(像个父亲般地):I want you to understand that whatever I just hope you will be alive and happy at any time.
Justin(温柔地笑笑,坚定地回答):thank you uncle Mac,I will.
Mac(紧接着话锋一转,以职业的态度叙述):and by the way...I'm afraid that I'm bringing you a bad news.
Justin(更加迷惑):a bad news?about me?
Mac(为避免给Justin造成太大冲击,尽量冷静地说):you and any other gay people may be in danger——now.
... ...

scene:N.Y. department of Kinnetik
       in Brian's office     1:20 P.M.

Brian was having a  call.
thelephone(Henry Moore's voice):Mr.kinney,would you like to discuss some details on your presentation... with me...in the evening?
Brian(坐在老板椅上,有点意外,怔了一下,随即用一种种轻松中略带傲慢,充满暗示的语调):certaninly.but the point is if you realized its meaning...and ...I need to know what I will get after our...communication.Mr. Morre
telephone(暧昧夹带些许赞赏):are you always so directly like this?
Brian(更直接):I think so,especially  on my business.
telephone(带着明显地引诱,许诺着):Pepsi-Cola North American advertising agent.what's your opinion?
Brian(吹着口哨,似乎甚是满意):deal!Sunny bar ,eleven P.M.
telephone(爽快地):ok,see you then——.
Brian(挂上电话,嘴角保持着自负的微笑,若有所思,目光渐渐变冷。点上一根雪茄,吸了几口并顽皮地吐出一个清晰的烟圈,猛地向后一趟,闭上眼,轻佻地自言自语,幽幽开口):...my dick often tells me if a reality is too good to be true it will be a lie.  ...(阴阳怪气,一副无畏地调侃)I smell a trap...



  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-20 21:05 编辑

backstreet corner

scene:Justin's apartment   9:00 P.M.


Brian(走向Justin,含笑轻声自语):congratulations,my sunshine...you are becoming a real housekeeper of my heart.
Brian(乐在其中地凑近Jusitn耳边,低声呢喃):it's time to go to school,sunny boy~
Jusitn(突然紧闭双眼,发狂似的挥舞着双手,大声咒骂):...no...go away! you're a son of bitch! don't touch me!
Brian(大声地试图唤醒Justin):hey! hey!open your eyes!that's a dream,don't be afraid!Justin.
Brian(吻了一下Justin的额角):all right...calm down,...it's ok,it's ok.
a few minutes later...
Justin(冷静下来,微微抬起头,看着Brian,用夹带着不可思议的惊讶和一丝确实的担忧的语调):Mac told me a bad news this morning——
... ...

scene:Sunny Bar   10:40 P.M.

舞池里人头涌动,人们跟着DJ煽动的话语,伴随震耳欲聋的mix舞曲,挑战着一波又一波的热力,忘情地摆动。bar台前Henry Moore一杯本店招牌烈性cocktail下肚,喉间一阵微凉,胃里却顷刻燃烧起来,他却不甚在意地又点了一杯。
一个身型清瘦,中等身高,面容苍白,打扮多少有些奇怪的男人走过来,拍拍Henry Moore的肩。

strange man(有些局促,紧张地有些语无伦次):hi...um...actually I know who you are.Mr.Moore
Moore(又一杯烈酒下肚,好笑地竟然有这么不起眼的猎物主动上门搭讪,决定逗弄一下自不量力的家伙):aha?so who are you?

strange man似乎对于对方主动打听自己感到一阵错愕,不过很快又恢复了起初的手足无措。

strange man(给了Moore一个缺乏自信的眼神,透露出他的紧张与不安,伸出右手):I am Dylan Cooper...I...uh...I am...I have been working under you for four years.Mr.Moore
Moore(昏暗的灯光下,眼底透露出明显的鄙夷,忽略了对方伸过来的手,却举起手招呼bartender):aha~nice to meet you,Mr——?
strange man(尴尬地收回手,提醒到):Cooper...Dylan Cooper.
Moore(不在意的耸耸肩,有点厌烦地):yeah,Cooper...I am waiting for somebody now,so——why wouldn't you join them to the dance floor and show your hot?
Dylan Cooper对于如此明显的奚落,愤怒地两只手在身侧紧紧攥着,指尖已经发白,脸上却一反开始的慌张,异常冷静。
Cooper(紧盯着目光始终不在自己身上的Moore,瞬间眼中闪过一丝冷酷,口气却谦恭地):yeah,but it's late...I think I gotta go home.Have a good time,Mr. Moore
Moore(与又递过一杯酒的bartender闲聊,打趣刚走的Cooper): poor guy
... ...
scene:Sunny Bar   11:00 P.M.

Moore(闻声一转身,看见异常性感的Brian,眼底的激赏不言而喻,清了清喉咙,故作镇定地):some drink? it's on me.
Brian(毫不客气地):I like generous guys(自顾地招呼bartender)hey!tequila(龙舌兰酒)~take two.
Moore(突然欺身上前,一手扶着Brian的腿,一手抓着他的胳膊,浅笑着):so——what time shall we start our ——communication?Brian
Moore(并不惊讶,调侃着):absolutely you forgot me...(自嘲地笑笑,看着Brian,平静地陈述着)just a crazy night long time ago.so——forget  it.  ...you are Brian Kinney,the hotest queer of the liberal Avenue.
Brian(听着对方的话,心里思考着可信性和对方的目的,嘴上却很“Brian”地自如应对着):you are honest and... if you don't mind it,I will want to ask you some questions,such as——
Moore(突然急迫地打断Brian接下来的问话):——let's finish what we should do as soon as possible.
Brian(挑挑眉,毫不在乎地,心里却警觉了几分):aha~but——I think you would like to handle a contract first,right?
Moore(拉起Brian往外走,淫邪地笑着):ok,but I prefer to do it outside,such as a backstreet corner.
Brian(佯装戏谑地):hoo~man~you have a strange hobby.
... ...

scene:the crime scene investigation lab   
       in Mac's office      3:15  A.M.

Mac picked up a phone.

phone(Flack's voice):I'm sorry to disturb you at this time,Mac.but... a man was found dead at a backstreet corner outside the Sunny Bar.
... ...




  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-14 23:20 编辑

who fucking are you?!

scene:Justin's apartment  4:20 A.M.
Justin dialed Brian's number again.The call remained without an answer from him.

Justin(再次按下那个该死的号码,并烦乱地搔弄着因整夜辗转难眠而凌乱的头发,咒骂):shit! ...what the fuck are you doing there?Brian...come on, pick it up.


Justin(担忧地责怪):Damn Brian! where are you?I have been calling you!
Justin(脸上闪过一丝失望,之后焦急地连珠炮似的自顾自说起来):Uncle Mac,thanks god ! I need you to give me a favor... I am a little worried about Brian after hearing your words... actually he has been out for several hours from last night.He has never been like this before.I mean... stay outside all night even without a call——
Mac(打断Justin接下来急于详述的话):hey,Justin——now you have to listen to me carefully ,ok?and keep yourself calm as possible as you can ...no matter what you will hear later.
Justin(一种不祥的预感逐渐在心头升腾,犹豫着开口):what's wrong with Brian?
Mac(耐心地陈述着案件):A man called Henry Moore was found dead half and an hour ago.
Mac(顿了一下,接着):a witness saw Henry Moore being with a man at the backstreet corner outside the Sunny bar last night. ...the man is—— Brian.
Justin(瞬间僵住,不可思议地瞪大了布满血丝的眸子,胸口一阵憋闷,眩晕着尽量压抑着愤怒,像在听笑话):no,shit,it's so ridiculous...whatever I am just fucking caring about where Brian is now.
Mac(实事求是地):...we are  searching for him.

scene:crime scene investingation lab     4:25 A.M.  

Adm(推门进来,拿着装有从Henry Moore被害现场提取的一个钱包的证物袋):hey,Stella,got some match?
Stella(无奈地举起双手,摇摇头):aha...I hope so,but——
Adm(可爱地笑笑,有点庆幸):fortunately, at least one of us have a good luck.
Stella(赞赏地看看Adm,开玩笑道):yes,so? would you please show me your good luck?
Adm(笑容可掬,麻利地拿出证物袋和检验报告):aha~sure...I checked the wallet which had been brought from the crime scene of Henry Moore's case.It belongs to a man named Brian Kinney.He has an highly reputable advertising agency in  Pittsburgh and he came to N.Y. two months ago.
Stella(接过Adm的介绍说下去):elite,ha?so—— he may be the suspect who we have been looking for?
Adm(有备而来地迅速提出异议): not exactly
Adm(赶忙解释):uh...I mean he also may be the next victim immediately...because... the blood on this wallet is his...and the most important thing is (表情严峻)——he's a gay.

at the same time
scene:a dark basement     

Brian被绑在那片仅有的昏暗中的一把椅子上,无生气地低垂着头 ,似乎晕了过去。破败的衣衫没了往日的光鲜,被虐打的伤痕面目狰狞地尽情展示着自己的可怖。此刻,一抹瘦削的身影从黑暗中慢慢走出,靠近奄奄一息的Brian,手中的枪在仅有的微弱灯光下,折射出阴狠的冷光。


Brian(艰难地扯动带着血迹的嘴角,倔强地露出一抹疲惫却散发着颓废的性感微笑,态度依旧玩世不恭):so who fucking are you?!...Mr.Asshole?or someone else?


PS:设计Brian受折磨真的很心疼啊!!!:s37 为了剧情,大家不要怪我!小J不要怪我!


  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


30# cora
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-24 22:53 编辑

he probably is the next one

scene:the crime scene investigation lab
          Mac's office

A call from Flack was being answered by Mac.

telephone(Flack's voice):Zac Hanson's agent came here half an hour ago.
Mac(对整个案件了如指掌地迅速反应):Grace Lee
telephone(Flack's voice卖关子道):yeah...she brought some interesting things.
Mac(拿出boss的架势):come on Flack,I hate wasting my time you know.so the main point is——
telephone(Flack's voice正经了点):aha~Grace Lee gave me some DVD produced by Zac Hanson when he was alive.the content of these are very speical... they're all about himself...and some his "friend"
Mac(似乎意识到案件有了某种转机):so——I guess you should've got his friend's name,right?
telephone(Flack's voice在电话那头闷闷地笑了笑):you're a real boss,Mac...Dylan Cooper, an employee of PBNA.
Mac(回忆着陈述):the latest victim,Henry Moore was a middle-level manager in PBNA.
... ...

scene:the crime scene investigation lab

Stella盯着闪动着”no match“的电脑屏幕,眉头紧锁,思考着指纹比对的结果。

Stella(自言自语):there is no match sample in the database...it means the person has never a crime before...


Danny(双手环胸,煞有介事地搭话):maybe you can keep a wait several minutes.
Stella(机械性地应着):why...(猛然回神,惊奇地看着Danny)what time did you come in?
Danny(笑着,卖关子地开着玩笑):hoho~that's a secret.
Stella(不计较地笑笑):so——what did you mean just now?
Danny(正色道):we noticed a guy when Flack and I surveyed the tattoo. a tattoo studio's owner recognized the tattoo——Bryan.he said that Zac Hanson and his a friend had come and called for it about two years ago. he could still remember it because of a special position. we've got a favor from him to do a figure sketch(*人物素描).

the telephone was ringing suddenly.Danny picked it up and listined to a report from Flack.

a few seconds later...

Danny(一边挂上电话,一面看向Stella):Dylan Cooper. come on Stella.try to find out if there is a match with him.

... ...

scene:a dark basement


the strange man(泄愤似的用力踹了一脚Brian):you are all same. son of bitch faggot! Don't look at me by your damn eyes!
Brian(一时岔气地猛咳嗽,吃痛地):fuck you!
the strange man(一把抓起Brian的头发,强迫他看着自己,疯了似的):you really want to know who I am ,ha?
Brian(神经质地笑笑,有气无力却很清晰地说着):I have already known... who you are... a pathetic,stupid freak.
the strange man(咬牙切齿地喘息,举着枪,情绪不稳定,语无伦次地):shit!you're all self-righteous and arrogant...you are all good at laughing at some other people and  get a plenty of fun from it!
Brian(不怕死地摆出一副老师的样子):although I have no idea who you are talking about...I can give you the reason.
the strange man(扭曲地嘲笑):aha?...go ahead
Brian(带着自负的虚弱笑容抬抬头,勉强对视着疯子):because we are strong ,not like you...we are always beautiful,hot and successful.but... you are a poor guy...only hide yourself into a darkness .
the strange man(异常冷静地看着毫无畏惧的Brian,变态地笑着,把玩着手中的枪):I had thought Henry Moore was my final target...but——when I met you being togeter with him in sunny bar,I changed my mind.you should go to hell much more.
Brian(自嘲地笑笑,如有所思地开口):yeah,yeah,I guess so...but——I want to leave some words before I die.
... ...

scene:Justin's apartment


Justin(缓缓睁开了涩涩的眼睛,含糊不清地):David?...why are you be here?
David(半架着Justin把他放到了床上躺好): what happened?Taylor.
Mac(有点担心):...Justin? how is your voice?
Justin(顿时变得激动万分):Mac,you'v found Brian?
Mac(实事求是地回答):not yet,but we have proved he is not the murderer.
Justin(稍稍松口气,如释重负般):oh~~thanks god,you've made it clear.
Mac(打断Justin短暂的喜悦,略带沉重):Justin...first,I hope you have a psychological preparation ...
Mac(知道Justin此时的心情,不等他回答,便接着):Brian may be abducted by the real murderer ...and... he probably is the next one.



PS:这篇没有写具体的时间,因为感觉如此紧凑的情节,肯定都是短时间内并发的,只要交代各路人马的动向就ok。不知这样大家觉得如何?还有——再次抱歉,让Brian陷入更深的危机:s37 至于小J,我已经很手下留情地不着重描写他遭受打击的样子了~~~呜~~~而且善良的让David去陪他。:s12


  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


34# cora
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-20 21:22 编辑


Justin's voice:I have never thought of a life without the man called

Brian Kinney since my 17-year-old spring.He once said to me"I won't

let you go anyway."I have been trusting him so much.Absolutely he is a

hero in my heart although I haven't told him before.This time I choose

it as usual,because he fucking is Brian Kinney! And he won't lie to

me,never...If we couldn't be together with each other any longer,lives would make

no sense...Brian,I'v been waiting for you just like every time...please

remember...remember it forever...

Brian's voice:I have never imagined that one day I am unwilling to

leave somebody so much.when I realized an endless separation from

you,I was so panic as to want to beg that crazy freak at one moment even.

fuck!I am Brian Kinney!I can handle all the things at any time.But——it seems

to be an accident,doesn't it?...Justin,my dear sunshine, please forgive me

if I should leave you alone...because I don't really wanna say goodbye to you...



  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-20 23:09 编辑

41# cora
坦白说,我写BJ文的目的之一就是练习英文{:3_213:} 我喜欢寓教于乐,呵~

论坛里很多cora翻译的文,版主英文水平应该是顶呱呱的吧,今后请多指教喽 :-)
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-23 22:10 编辑

he is all right


Scene:somebody's tombstone

舔了舔有些干裂的嘴唇,Brian勉强打起精神,调动身体全部能量让大脑高速运转,整理思绪思考着刚刚到底发生了什么:原本还在阴冷的地下室绝望得等待Dylan Cooper(魔鬼终究还是满足了“祭品”要“死个明白”的愿望,告诉了Brian自己是谁)扣动扳机结束这梦魇般的一切,不知为何,已经抵着他额头的枪口被移开了,接着自己就被Dylan Cooper那个混蛋五花大绑地从地下室拖拽出来,一头扔进雪佛兰的后排座,毫无疑问,那人不是良心发现送他回家,随着车子启动的震颤,早已透支的体力再也无力支撑,终于放任意识陷入一片混沌......不知过了多久,他疲惫地眨了眨眼却无力睁开,依稀感到一个平稳得让人安心的车速,几乎可以肯定那疯狂的家伙是个模范司机。约莫又过了十分钟,车门被打开,他——Brian Kinney就是现在这幅鬼样子。

Dylan Cooper(凝视墓碑,自言自语):hey~Bryan  my little brother,how are you?
Brian缓慢抬起头,也看向墓碑,惊讶着眼睛张大了些。墓碑上主人的名字——BRYAN COOPER。
Dylan Cooper(没有回头理会跪在一旁的Brian,情绪平静地继续自说自话):you should appreciate your name,Brian...because of it, you are still alive now.

Brian没空理会Dylan Cooper这个变态疯子的废话,观察着四周的环境,试图找机会逃脱。
Dylan Cooper扭头看了一下沉默的Brian,暴戾地走过去一把抓住Brian的头发。

Brian(痛苦地):damn it!  
Dylan Cooper(面部痉挛地跳动着,嘲讽的语气):hoho~~no,no,no,Brian...calm down,calm down,it's not like you...
Brian(冷静下来,狠狠地带着明显的挑衅):you don't know me at all . son of bitch!
Dylan Cooper(突然疯狂地大笑,猛地用枪口正对着Brian的额头,失控地咆哮):yeah...but I just know that you killed my twin- brother!you're the fucking selfish fags! Zac Hanson,he once was Bryan's lover.But the scum had abandoned him mercilessly after teasing him.shit! because of you, the fucking nasty arrogant queers,Bryan,my only little brother had a suicide two months ago!...Zan Hanson,Henry Moore,Richard
Jefferson,Tony Chan,Burack Duncan...certainly and you——Brian Kinney,you should go to hell!
Brian(听罢,知道这次自己在劫难逃,豁出去地调侃):it's you~that serial killer~I am so lucky,ha?
Dylan Cooper(目露凶光,稳了稳手中的枪,紧盯着Brian的脸):...it's time to say goodbye Brian——
... ...


Flack(穿着防弹背心,保持着射击的姿势,伫立在雨中,松口气,对身边的人下命令):come on guys,go and check.
Mac(听不出情绪地问):how is it going?
Flack(简单地汇报了一下):your guess is right.we found them here.
Mac(似乎有点担忧):... how are they now?
Flack:Dylan Cooper is dead and Brian Kinney is injured.(望着不远处正在忙碌的同事)we are checking the scene.
Mac(松了口气):well done,Dan.We'll be right there soon.

scene:crimal scene investingation lab
        in Mac's office

Mac dialed Justin's number.
Mac(听到电话那头传来了Justin声音):Brian——he is all right.



  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


45# Amber'
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-25 19:52 编辑

welcome home...my hero

scene:Justin's apartment  10:18 A.M.







Brian(梦呓,有点闹别扭地口气):...little asshole...you didn't go to the

hospital to pick me up...


速旋转,一阵舒缓的音乐——Michael Buble的《I wanna go home》悠然流


I wanna go home——Michael Buble   

Another summer day
Is come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home

Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
I'm fine baby, how are you??
Well I would send them but I know that it's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I'm lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I've got to go home

Let me go home
I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
But this was not your dream
But you always believe in me

Another winter day has come
And gone away
And even Paris and Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home

And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
Oh, let me go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

Let me go home
I've had my run
Baby, I'm done
I gotta go home
Let me go home
It will all right
I'lll be home tonight
I'm coming back home

Justin(笑着):welcome home...my hero.


PS:一个偶然的机会淘到Michael Buble的I wanna go home,就这么爱上了。平实的唱词,却满含深情,特别喜欢那句“Maybe surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone I just wanna go home”      


  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-26 22:14 编辑

hello Daddy

scene:criminal scene investigation lab    9:52  A.M.
           Mac's office

Mac(拥抱了一下突然到访的侄子):a rough time,ha?
Mac(关心地询问):how is Brian?
Justin(老实地回答):better...he should be at home now if there is not a traffic jam.
Mac(点头笑着):oh,it's very soon.
Justin(开玩笑):his recovering ability is even better than an animal's .so——don't worry about him.
Mac(不置可否地笑着摇摇头):um...that's fine...give him my greeting,ok?
Justin(俏皮地应着):aha~I will.
Justin(抿抿嘴,像是打定主意似的,认真看着并有点激动地一把抱住Mac):...it was awful...thanks Mac,thank you so much... for saving Brian.
Mac(鼓励地拍拍侄子的后背,坚定有力地):I know,kid...everything has been gone...don't be scared any more... come on and go home,Brian is waiting for you.
Justin(稳了稳情绪,突然笑得有点神秘):actually...I can't go home now...I'll also pick up some friends.
scene:Justin's apartment   12:09 P.M.

原本熟睡中的Brian终于是被馋虫叫醒,饥肠辘辘地看了看墙上的复古挂钟,再撇撇仍旧没有动静的大门。本想叫个中国菜外卖,忽然想起David临走时候的话(David:Justin let me told you,he is coming back soon.)还是放下了已经拿起的电话,有些迟缓地走到床边拿起笔记本电脑打发时间。

Brian(一边浏览“hot guy”主页观看劲爆视频,一边自言自语地抱怨):poor old man~you have been abandoned by your heartless little husband...god!  I can't believe my sunshine is having more important things except me.
half an hour later...


Brian(故意装可怜地):hoho~my damn heartless little husband is coming back~~~let me have a look...(不可思议地怪叫起来)did you go to a journey...when...when I was still in hospital?!
Justin(不疾不徐地把行李箱放到门侧,打趣地应付着孩子气的Brian):honey,please shut your big mouth up,if you shouldn't want to be laughed at by our friends... and...your son. (回过头,热情地招呼外面的人)come on and in,Ladies...certainly our little price and princess.


Gus(这个“Brian二世”眨巴着相同的大眼睛,调皮地吐吐舌头,背着小手慢慢走向Brian,甜甜地):hello Daddy.
Brian(被这一句话重新激活,夹带着他怎么都不会坦白承认的惊喜):Oh my god.



  • cora

life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


本帖最后由 joycechen1985 于 2009-8-25 21:31 编辑

52# cora
scene:Justin's apartment

          the telephone had rang for a while.

telephone answering machine(Lindsay's voice):surprise!you are a happy new couple!haha~(Melanie's laughing)Ok,I must calm down(laughing) Melanie handled a case and got a big commission...we decide to take a vacation to N.Y.  (兴奋地大叫)certainly Gus and J.R.must be with their mothers.so——see you later—— in N.Y. boys!haha~(Melanie's voice:don't too work hard Brian!)(laughing out loud)...
life is a journey.
sometimes up,sometimes down.
keep moving on,my friends.


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